Developer Fee's Overview
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Pursuant to Government Code Section 65995 et. seq. and Education Code Section 17620 et. seq., school districts are authorized to levy fees on new residential and commercial-industrial development to fund the school facilities necessary to accommodate the students from new development.
Antioch Unified School District will collect Developer Fees at the following rates:
Residential Development: $5.17 per square foot
Commercial-industrial Development: $0.84 per square foot
To pay Developer Fees:
Visit the Antioch Unified School District central office at 510 G Street, Antioch, CA 94509, to obtain the required form.
Take the form to the City of Antioch City Hall, 200 H Street, Antioch, CA 94509, Building Department, to have the building type and square footage section completed and signed.
Return to the Antioch Unified School District central office with the completed form and a check for the fees due (Credit cards, debit cards and cash ARE NOT accepted).