(925) 779-7500, ext. 42154
Federal Program Monitoring and Support

Ed Dacus
Director of Educational Services

Bridget Fuchs
Educational Services Administrative Assistant
(925) 779-7500, ext. 40890
Consolidated Application
Each spring, AUSD completes the Consolidated Application (ConApp) to participate in and receive funding from federal categorical programs which include:
Title I, Part A (Basic Grant)
Title II, Part A, (Supporting Effective Instruction)
Title III, English Learner
Title IV, Part A (Student and School Support)
Funds for Federal Categorical Programs are allocated and utilized in AUSD’s LCAP and school sites’ School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to increase and improve services to students identified and most in need.
AUSD Board of Trustees reviewed and approved our Consolidated Application at the regular School Board Meeting on August 23, 2023.
Title I: Improving Academic Achievement
The Title I program is a federally funded program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The purpose of the Title I program is to ensure all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education by improving basic programs operated by the school district. Title I schools may implement one of two programs: Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP) or Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS). In AUSD, all schools are designated as Title I schools with a School Wide Program.
Schools receiving these supplemental federal funds are required to provide services that raise the academic achievement level of TK through 12th grade participants. Additional support may be provided through professional development, health and guidance services. Parents of children being served have the opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the program through activities such as serving on the school site council; developing parental involvement policies and compacts; attending parent-teacher conferences, parent training and literacy workshops; participating as classroom volunteers, tutors, and aides, etc.