About Nutrition Services
Meal Prices
Nutrition Education
Online Meal Payments
School Funding Form
Learn more about the benefits of dairy, fruit, and vegetables to keep your body healthy. Discover how California produce gets on your plates through the resources below.
Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
Apricots NewsletterApricots Newsletter - Spanish
Berries NewsletterBerries Newsletter - Spanish
Cabbage NewsletterCabbage Newsletter - Spanish
Cucumber NewsletterCucumber Newsletter - Spanish
Kiwi NewsletterKiwi Newsletter - Spanish
Mandarins NewsletterMandarins Newsletter - Spanish
Oranges NewsletterOranges Newsletter - Spanish
Peas NewsletterPeas Newsletter - Spanish
Peaches NewsletterPeaches Newsletter - Spanish
Persimmon NewsletterPersimmon Newsletter - Spanish
Plum NewsletterPlum Newsletter - Spanish
Root Vegetables NewsletterRoot Vegetables Newsletter - Spanish
Strawberry NewsletterStrawberry Newsletter - Spanish
Make Food Fun and AttractiveMake Food Fun and Attractive Spanish
Simple Ways to Offer VegetablesSimple Ways to Offer Vegetables Spanish
Cooking with Young ChildrenCooking with Young Children Spanish
Dairy Facts & Myths
Dairy Misconceptions
Games & Reading Materials
Coloring Pages
Understanding Food and Climate Change: An Interactive Guide
5 tips to deal with picky eaters
Dietary recommendations for healthy children
Fruit and veggie toolkit for kids (Spanish)
Healthy snack options
4 ways to get good fats
Keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer
Options for eating more colorful foods
25 ways to get moving at home (Spanish)
Daily tips to keep your family active
Recommendations of physical activity in adults and kids
Try the 10 minutes home workout