Community Needs Assessment

Antioch Unified School District is working on developing community schools within the district. The purpose of a community school is to provide services for students, their families, and the surrounding school community, to ensure that every student succeeds in school and in life. As part of our planning process, AUSD has hired Public Consulting Group (PCG) to conduct a Community Needs Assessment. The goal of this assessment is to learn what families, students, and other AUSD community members see as our most pressing needs and opportunities. 


PCG is conducting a series of family/caregiver focus groups and a family/caregiver survey, and we invite you to participate. You may partake in one or both options. The more participation we gather, the better the information will be to serve the needs of the Antioch community! 


FOCUS GROUPS: The family/caregiver focus groups will be held on: 


  • Tuesday, 9/24 at 8:00am at Antioch Middle School (English) 

  • Tuesday, 9/24 at 3:30pm at Black Diamond Middle School (English) 

  • Tuesday, 9/24 at 5:30pm at Antioch High School (English; Spanish) 

  • Wednesday, 9/25 at 9:00am at Park Middle School (English) 

  • Wednesday, 10/2 at 5:30pm virtually (Spanish) 


Please sign up for a focus group using the following links or QR codes: 



Once you sign up, you will receive a calendar invite that will include additional information about the focus group details.  


SURVEY: PCG is also facilitating a district-wide survey which will be available from September 9 to September 30. The purpose of the survey is to gather feedback from families and caregivers. The survey is available here