Social Emotional Initiative
School sites employ a variety of strategies and interventions to help students cope with emotions, stress, and anxiety at school. Some of the programs currently used throughout the district are: mindfulness, wellness rooms, small group support groups, therapeutic counseling, and Second Step Social Emotional Curriculum (K-8).
Restorative Practices
District and Schoolwide SEL Support
Mental Health and Wellness
As part of our LCAP, the district is committed to providing training for teachers to help students and promote a balanced and safe school environment. We have partnered with organizations within the community to provide training centered around trauma informed care and, at some sites, clinicians to provide counseling.
Wellness Rooms
Wellness rooms provide a safe place for students to experience and learn through their emotions in order to cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence and self-control despite educational and personal stressors. Wellness rooms are staffed with para educators which...

AUSD Tier 3 Support Services

Care Solace
We are pleased to announce our partnerships with Care Solace. Care Solace is a free mental health care coordination service, and has a database of mental health and substance use providers for every student, staff, and family member in need. We are pleased to be able to offer these wrap around services.

School Site Counselors
Counseling and guidance are an integral part of each school’s total educational program. AUSD’s counseling program is based on the American School Counseling Association National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, which presents a model that helps prepare students for success in academic, career, and personal/social development. The counseling and guidance program helps students achieve their full potential through four program delivery components: School Guidance Curriculum, Individual Student Planning, Responsive Services, and System Support.
Coordinator of Counseling Services
Kathryn Coyle-Youker
Uses research-based and culturally relevant school-based intervention programs to guide students to make positive life choices both at school and in their community.

AUSD Mindfulness in the news
Take a look at Park Middle and Marsh Elementary transforming school culture with mindfulness.