(925) 779-7500, ext. 53700
English Language Learners

Upcoming Events
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
English Learner Master Plan gets a new name:
The Multilingual Learner Strategic Plan
The Multilingual Learner Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for implementation that includes a robust Theory of Action, a set of Key Components, and an Oversight Structure that must be implemented to improve learning outcomes for English Learners. The Theory of Action defines how the district will prioritize and carry out the changes needed to improve educational quality for ELs. The Key Components and Language Development Approach identify the critical elements that must be in place throughout the district and address core responsibilities of district educators and leaders to improve quality instruction, language development, academic achievement, and graduation rates for ELs. Alignment to the California state standards in conjunction with fidelity to adopted curriculum use for integrated and designated ELD time is essential. The Oversight Structure identifies the milestones and a semiannual rubric for monitoring progress as well as the communication strategies that will be in place to ensure all stakeholders are aware of implementation success and challenges.
English Learner Staff

Dr. Essence Phillips
Director of English Learners and Equity

Dr. Trisha Gonzales-Waters
Teacher on Special Assignment English Learner Coach
(925) 779-7500, ext. 42181

Teresita Gonzalez
Bilingual Instructional Assistant
(925) 779-7500, ext. 44024

Roberto Bradford
(925) 779-7500, ext. 43055

Delia Colorado
(925) 779-7500, ext. 43180

Isela Topete
(925) 779-7500, ext. 42981