English Language Learners

The English Learner Department within Education Services holds a vision for Elevating Language Diversity. Through this we prioritize: community building, high level instruction, standards-based assessments, and agency. Please reach out for any support that is needed including translation services, iPad translation device assistance or visit our Newcomer Center housed in room 103 at Antioch Middle School for student, family and staff resources and support.

The English Learner Department provides instructional support, guidance, and direction to improve instruction for English Learners and ensure their academic success.  We implement research-based instructional strategies in conjunction with district adopted resources to meet the academic needs of all English Learners.  In addition to guiding academic instruction, English Learner Services supports the productive engagement and involvement of parents of English Learners as critical partners in the success of our students.  

Upcoming Events

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is an important voice for English learners and their families. The committee is comprised of school site English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) representatives, parents of English learners, district personnel who oversee English learner services, and community stakeholders. DELAC provides the district with valuable input on issues regarding the English Learner Master Plan, districtwide needs, compliance with local, state and federal requirements, parent communication, and program goals and objectives. DELAC meetings are a great way for parents of English learners to become involved in their child's education.  In addition to the abovementioned duties, meetings also include district updates and parent training topics that help families of English learners assist their students. Come and get involved and meet other parents across the district. We would love to hear your voice.

Las reuniones del DELAC son una buena forma para que los padres de estudiantes aprendiendo inglés puedan participar en la educación de sus niños.  Las reuniones incluyen actualizaciones del distrito y temas de capacitación para los padres que les ayudan a asistir a sus estudiantes.  Acompáñenos y participe, y conozca a otros padres a través del distrito.  Nos placería escuchar su voz.

English Learner Master Plan gets a new name:

The Multilingual Learner Strategic Plan

The Multilingual Learner Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for implementation that includes a robust Theory of Action, a set of Key Components, and an Oversight Structure that must be implemented to improve learning outcomes for English Learners. The Theory of Action defines how the district will prioritize and carry out the changes needed to improve educational quality for ELs. The Key Components and Language Development Approach identify the critical elements that must be in place throughout the district and address core responsibilities of district educators and leaders to improve quality instruction, language development, academic achievement, and graduation rates for ELs. Alignment to the California state standards in conjunction with fidelity to adopted curriculum use for integrated and designated ELD time is essential. The Oversight Structure identifies the milestones and a semiannual rubric for monitoring progress as well as the communication strategies that will be in place to ensure all stakeholders are aware of implementation success and challenges.

English Learner Staff

Essence Phillips

Dr. Essence Phillips

Director of English Learners and Equity

(925) 779-7500, ext. 53700


Ms. Gonzalez-Waters

Dr. Trisha Gonzales-Waters

Teacher on Special Assignment English Learner Coach

(925) 779-7500, ext. 42181


Teresita Gonzalez

Teresita Gonzalez

Bilingual Instructional Assistant

(925) 779-7500, ext. 44024


Mr. Bradford

Roberto Bradford


(925) 779-7500, ext. 43055


Delia Colorado

Delia Colorado


(925) 779-7500, ext. 43180


Isela Topete

Isela Topete


(925) 779-7500, ext. 42981
