Jenine Wolfe

Jenine Wolfe

Jenine Wolfe

Email Jenine Wolfe

Phone: 925-779-7550

I am Jenine Wolfe and I am excited about celebrating my 28th year of teaching.  This year I will work with 11th grade AVID and 9th grade English students.  I am a Southern California native, living mostly in Orange County.  I began my teaching career in Los Angeles, then moved to Anaheim, followed by a 10-year adventure in Austin, Texas, and for the last eight years I have been here at Antioch.  I have Bachelor’s Degrees in both English and Liberal Studies and my Master’s Degree in Education and Technology.  I pursued most of my education at Cal State Long Beach - Go Beach! 

In addition to being passionate about educating young people, I thoroughly enjoy traveling near and far.  I love meeting new people from all over the world, experiencing different cultural celebrations and food, and seeing stunning locations in person.  I'm also quite adventurous - hiking, biking, kayaking, camping, and exploring.  I spend my free time with family, usually playing games.

I have one son, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, so feel free to reach out for any college questions - I know it can be confusing and stressful.  Once your child is in my class, I hope to be a resource for the rest of his/her academic career - high school and beyond.  I am very excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to building a positive rapport with both you and your student. I encourage you to contact me at any time throughout the school year, if you have questions or concerns. It is imperative we work as a team to ensure your student’s success.  As a parent of a college graduate, I know how quickly our children seem to grow up, but I encourage you to stay involved in these critical years of their educational journey.  Join the PTSA, attend athletic and fine arts events, and stay in touch with teachers.  Your student may not show it now, but he/she will appreciate it later.
