Career Center

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcom X

Spring Focus- Colleges of Contra Costa
Student Opportunities

The Career Center is a one-stop central location to assist students with various needs as they navigate through high school and beyond. In the Career Center, students can access information to prepare for college, employment and future career opportunities.
Examples of resources include:
Research on higher education and career pathways
College representative visits
Virtual and live college field trips
Industry related guest speakers
Financial aid and scholarship information
Student and family focused workshops (SAT/ACT registration, Financial Aid Night, college application assistance, ASVAB testing and more)
Resume/cover letter writing
Work permits
Interviewing skills and strategy workshops
To get more information, services or set up an appointment, please email Career Center Technician Kashauna Clipps,or call 925-779-7550 ext. 40818.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcom X