UCSF TRiO Upward Bound

Laneasha Lee, MHEA- Deputy Director of TRiO Programs
Center for Sciences, Education, and Outreach University of California, San Francisco
1855 Folsom St. MCB 548 San Francisco, CA 94143 Ph: (415)624-9740 Laneasha.lee@ucsf.edu https://cseo.ucsf.edu/

TRiO Upward Bound support K-12 learners to be successful in high school and beyond. Students and their parent/guardian/caretaker are walked through completing A-G coursework to be eligible for college, apply to and enroll into college, secure financial aid, and explore career aspirations.
TRiO Upward Bound is sponsored by the US Department of Education.
TRiO Upward Bound Program
UCSF TRiO Upward Bound provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. TRiO Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree.
Services include:
College Campus Field Trips
Career Exploration Field Trips
Summer Internships
1-on-1 Check-Ins
Cohort Meetings/Workshops
Planning for College
Transcript Review
College Application Support
Financial Aid Application Support
Scholarship Support
Financial Tips
1. Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident or in the process of becoming a resident.
AND meet one of the criteria below:
A) Will be a First-Generation College Student [Neither parent has a BA/BS+ (4 year college degree)
B) Family's Taxable Income must meet the TRiO Federal Low-Income Levels, or the family receives federal or state assistance such as SNAP, Free Lunch, Cal -Works, Section 8, etc.
C) In need of academic support

TRiO Upward Bound and TRiO Upward Bound Math and Science are currently accepting applications for 2024-2025 school year.
Apply to TRiO Upward Bound or TRiO Upward Bound Math and Sciences Program
Pick up an application packet in P13 or HERE
Forms to be completed:
Parent/Guardian Form
Student Application Questionnaire
School Personnel Evaluation
Income Verification Document (Cal-Works, Disability, SNAP, Section 8, AFDC, Tax forms, etc.)
Submit completed application packet to P-13