Andre Tim Tim

Andre Tim Tim

Andre Tim Tim

Email Andre Tim Tim

Phone: 925-779-7550

Mr. Andre Tim Tim is a Southern California-born Filipino-American.  A graduate as a bachelor from California State University, Long Beach and a master's degree in education from Biola University, La Mirada, Mr. Tim Tim currently teaches English at Park Middle School in Antioch, California.  This is his tenth year working in the Antioch Unified School District.  He currently strives to be the best teacher he can be and hopes that the students he teaches will be ready for college and beyond.  He is a father of four children (11 years old, 9 years old, 6 years old, and 3 years old.) and has one wife (Tracy).  

I am currently teaching ELD 3/4 and English 9.

I'm in Room 302