Shira Sweitzer

shira sweitzer headshot

Shira Sweitzer

Email Shira Sweitzer

Phone: 925-779-7550

I grew up in Oakland, California and graduated from Skyline High School. I spent some time going to college in Chico, California and graduated from California State University, Hayward.  After completing college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I had many friends in education, and I love to learn, but I was adamant that I did not want to teach high school. After all, my mother taught high school for over thirty years and I saw how time-consuming of a career it was.

When I was 29, I moved to Israel for a year to "find me" and figure out what my next steps were. When I returned home, I lived with a former sorority sister from college. She was a Math teacher at Antioch High School. She convinced me to accompany her to work one day and check out what she did. Needless to say, I loved it! That night, I enrolled in my credentialing classes and signed up to take my exams. I was hired at Antioch High School the following month and began my career on an intern credential. That was seventeen years ago and I am still here doing what I love.

In the spirit of being a lifelong learner, I went back to college at Saint Mary's College of California two years ago and completed my Master of Arts in Leadership. The program was life-changing for me and helped me find a new direction in education. Currently, I am the Peer Advocates/Conflict Mediation Program Coordinator. I also help implement and coordinate restorative practices on our campus. Through teaching, I have come to realize the importance of community and relationships are some of the most, if not the most, important things in education. Students should feel connected, welcomed and valued. That is what I strive to do at Antioch High School. In my free time, I love to sing karaoke, listen to live music, take walks, and read. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I am married to Daniel, who is my biggest supporter, and we have a dog named Levi.

Peer Advocates Request Form


A One-On-One Meeting With A Peer Advocate

A Conflict Mediation Facilitated By Peer Advocates

Peer Intervention Education Sessions With A Peer Advocate

Restorative Conferencing With Mrs. Sweitzer

sketch of eyeball and text "peer advocates: focusing on a better tomorrow"