Yzel Romo

Yzel Romo

Yzel Romo

Email Yzel Romo

Phone: 925-779-7550

My name is Yzel Romo, and I teach ELD 2 and Puente. This will be my 4th year teaching.  I have Bachelor’s Degrees in both English and Journalism from Chico State. I graduated from Antioch High back in 2011. I speak Spanish and English. I look forward to working with you during this academic year. 

At your earliest convenience, please register for AERIES. The website enables you and your child to check daily agenda, homework, and grades in all classes. You can also conveniently communicate with all teachers via the e-mail. To help prepare your child for the reading and writing demands of college and beyond, please encourage him or her to read a book not required for school for at least 20 minutes every night. 

1st and 2nd Period - ELD II

3th Period - Puente 9

4th Period - Puente 10

5th and 6th Period - ELD II
