Ashley Garcia

Garcia, Ashley

Ashley Garcia

Email Ashley Garcia

Phone: email to request a phone conference or direct message me on Instagram @pewithmrsgarcia

Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. KINS: Exercise Science - CSU Sacramento
SSTC: Physical Education - Saint Mary's College, California

Hola Eagle Family and Welcome to Mrs. Garcia's Webpage

I'm so excited to be back in person for the 2021-2022 school year. Distance learning was a challenge for everyone so give yourself some credit for surviving a year and a half of school online. Now that we're back, I will be helping all my students stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy!

Here are few tips to help your student succeed in PE this year.

1. Make sure student and guardian have access to Aeries. This is where you can check your grades and stay up to date with your progress.

2. Make sure your student has the proper clothes and shoes for PE. You can purchase PE clothes from your PE teacher after school or order them online at ____.

3. Check in with your student often, encourage them to do their best and communicate anything they need from me to help them do their best!

We're all in this together,

♥ Mrs. Garcia 
