Jason Ebner

Jason Ebner

Jason Ebner

Email Jason Ebner

Phone: 925-779-7550

Jason Ebner loves teaching.  He loves getting students to think, to learn, and to ask questions.  When one of his students is able to obtain that out of cardboard moment, he is elated.  As of late, he is concerned, concerned that the students of today are going to have a tougher time than any generation before.  Because of this, he is striving to make his classroom more relevant, his lessons meaningful, and the outcomes important points of experience for all students.  The end goal is a student population that is ready to take on the challenges of the current century.

EED/SUP Syllabus 2022

The classes I am currently teaching:

Environmental and Electrical Design - How do we solve or mitigate climate change?  We design solutions that involve carbon reduction processes while adding on items that help to offset our carbon footprint!  Join us as we explore what this looks like both locally and globally!

Introduction to Computers - We start with a video introduction, we move to understanding chatbots, we look into cyber security, then we move into crypto currency, and finally we wrap up with what happens when computers achieve the singularity.  Join us to explore and demystify the world of computers as you take a beginners look at some of the most life altering technology we have.

Sustainable Urban Planning - What is a Climate Action Resilience Plan?  What does that have to do with me?  What does this mean to me?  What does it mean for the future of Antioch and East Contra Costa?  Will it be safe to live her in 20 years?  Come explore what the impacts of climate change and global warming will have on our community.