Katrina DeAnda

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Katrina DeAnda

Email Katrina Deanda

Phone: 925-779-7550

I have been teaching at Antioch High School since 2003.  I have taught courses from Algebra through Pre-Calculus, and I have been the AP Statistics teacher since 2010. When I am not at school, I can be found in my garden growing vegetables or at the barn riding my pony, Maggie. 

In the 2024-25 school year, I will be teaching a new art course, Introduction to Fiber Arts and Textiles. We will be exploring all sort of fun fiber arts like weaving, spinning, knitting and sewing. Students can see their counselor to sign up.

My classes are always set up in MS Teams for Online Assignments.  Sites used for online practice:

  • Quizizz.com

  • Desmos.com