Giovanni Billeci


Giovanni Billeci


Phone: 925-779-7550

  • 5th year teaching

  • Student Taught at Berkeley High

  • 4th year at AHS

  • Grew up in Antioch all my life

  • B.A. in English with an emphasis in education 2019, San Francisco State

  • Credentialed in 2020, San Francisco State

Each class has a Microsoft teams page that has been established to help maintain contact with students. I will occasionally send reminders to students about upcoming events, assignments, etc.

Class Expectations

  1. Be kind. Think about the way your words and actions affect other people and remember that everyone’s fighting their own private battles. Lift each other up; don’t drag each other down.

  2. Work hard. We do important learning here. I believe in all of you, and because of this I will never lower my expectations and let you slip. You need to rise up to meet my high expectations. Don’t ever give up.

  3. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to say something controversial (as long as it’s thoughtful), or to go out of your comfort zone. Nothing great in human history—from works of art to scientific breakthroughs to social movements—has been accomplished without someone taking a risk.

Class Rules

  • Be courteous

  • If you wish to eat or drink, please extend a courtesy and ask. If you do not ask, I reserve the right to deny you sustenance

  • Come to class on time and be prepared.

  • Use appropriate classroom language and volume.

  • Charging your cell phones in class is fine - just ask

  • Respect others’ ideas, space, and belongings.


  • Please help me stay on top of your students' academics. You can check grades and attendance through Aeries

  • Remember that a blank is not a missing grade. It is an un-entered grade.

  • I will be posting ALL information from class to Microsoft teams so that students can use it for reference.



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