When a student is absent, a parent/guardian must report all absences of their child to the school within twenty-four (24) hours.
The phone number to report an absence is (925)779-7475.
Please leave your child's name, date they were absent, and reason for the absence.
Excused absences include, tardiness, and early departure from class or school due to:
Personal illness
Serious illness or death in the family
Religious observance or education during school hours with a signed written request
Required court appearances of the student
Required medical appointments of the student
When you know in advance that your child will be absent for personal family business for 5 days or more, please contact your child's teacher at least one week before to arrange for an Independent Study Contract. Otherwise, the absence will be unexcused.
Our school day begins at 8:00am. Students who are late to school more than 3 times will be considered truant and in accordance with the California Education Code, letters will be sent to parent/guardians for those students who continue with excessive tardies and absences.