About Us
Carmen Dragon Elementary School is a beautiful facility located in southeast Antioch between Hillcrest and Vista Grande Drive. Our school is currently home to approximately 500 students servicing TK-6th graders. We are extremely proud of the teaching and support staff at Carmen Dragon and are committed to providing them with as many tools as possible to prepare our children for the future.
Mission Statement
The mission of Carmen Dragon Elementary School, in partnership with our parents and community members, is to empower students, teachers, and parents to be lifelong learners and achievers in an ever-changing diverse world.
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Carmen Dragon offers multiple opportunities for parent involvement. Parents are an integral part of their child’s education and their support and active involvement in their students’ educational experiences is appreciated. Parents are encouraged to run for School Site Council, join the English Learner Advisory Committee and attend Coffee with the Principal events. All teachers welcome parents into the classroom as helpers, active participants, presenters, chaperones, classroom sponsors and visitors. Additionally, Carmen Dragon offers multiple family engagement opportunities in the form of evening events throughout the school year.
Carmen Dragon Elementary School
4721 Vista Grande Drive
Antioch, CA 94531
Phone: 925-779-7475
Fax: 925-779-7476
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Office Numbers
Mark Hemauer, Principal
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 42166
Email Mark Hemauer
Annabel Carvalho, Vice Principal
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 40730
Email Annabel Carvalho
Joanie Burke, Admin. Asst.
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 40060
Email Joanie Burke
Sharon Bandy, Office Asst.
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 43658
Email Sharon Bandy
Elia Padilla, Office Asst. - Bilingual
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 43085
Email Elia Padilla
Susan Valdez Couch, Counselor
Phone: 925-779-7475 ext. 43634
Email Susan Valdez Couch