School Information
6th-8th Grade Schedule
Attendance Policy
TGVA is a virtual Independent Study Program. Attendance is accrued through both synchronous attendance (attending all live class meetings) AND completion of work. As indicated in our Master Agreement, students must maintain a minimum of 96% attendance and a minimum of 60% of work completion in order to maintain good standing. Students who do not maintain the indicated class meeting attendance and/or work completion will be referred to our Tiered Response for Reengagement Process and may be returned to in-person instruction. The information below is outlined in our Master Agreement.
Temporary Independent Study
A temporary/ short term independent study can be requested by a parent/guardian when their child will be absent from school for a short period due to an emergency, vacation, or illness. The parent and school staff shall sign a written agreement prior to the student's participation in independent study. The minimum period for short-term independent study is five school days and the maximum is ten school days. Assignments are provided by the student's regularly assigned teacher(s). If you are planning to request a temporary short/term independent study, please review the following information:
The request for a temporary independent study must be made through the Thomas Gaines Virtual Academy Office, not through your child's teacher.
Advance notice of 3 days is required in order to adequately prepare materials and sign the independent study agreement/contract.
Attendance will be entered based on the completion of the asynchronous work assigned. If a student completes 50% of the assigned work, they will receive credit for 50% attendance.
Asynchronous work must be completed and turned in within 7 days of the documented return date.
Work completed after 7 days may/may not be counted for classroom credit, if it is within the teacher's outlined policies, but it will not account for attendance.
Please reach out to our office staff with any questions, 925-779-7640.