Seal of Biliteracy
Deer Valley High School's CA State Seal of Biliteracy
The California Seal of Biliteracy recognizes students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. Any student who is proficient in languages other than English can acheive the seal. The requirements are that the recipients have studied the second language a minimum of four years, have a minimum of a B average in a second language, a C average in English and a minimum of 3 on the English SBAC. Graduating Seniors who have acheived the Seal will be recognized at graduation, receive a medal from the state of California, will have the Seal on their transcripts, and can add this skill to their college and job resumes.

In which languages can a student achieve the Seal of Biliteracy?
Deer Valley High School offers four language programs: French, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. Students can earn the Seal by taking four years of the language with a B average or better, passing the AP exam with a 3 or higher, or passing the SAT II exam in that language. They must have also achieved the other requirements, listed above.
Pass the AP or SAT II Language and Culture exam in your language. Link to College Board AP and SAT II **The AP exam is given in May. Students must sign up with our testing coordinator in February. The SAT II exam is given at various points in the year, at other locations. Students must sign up for this exam on their own.**
Should your language not be offered by DVHS and if there is not already an AP or SAT II exam, you will apply to the district to take an exam in that language. **This exam is only offered during your Senior year, in the Fall or Spring semester.**
When should I start preparing for the Seal of Biliteracy requirements?
You should let your World Language teacher know right away that you are interested in achieving this honor by graduation so that s/he can help you to stay on-track as you approach your Senior year. You must acheive ALL requirements, not just the language exam in order to complete the requirements. In the Spring semester of your Senior year, you will complete an application for the district that verifies your eligibility. Your World Language teacher will have applications for interested students.
What is the application deadline for 2019 graduation?
The current application deadline is March 7, 2019
Who to contact for more information:
Ms. Castro (room 307)
Ms. Nevis (room 407)