Daily Bulletin
Wolverine Weekly Bulletin
Date November 18th – 22nd
General Info
· DVTV: https://www.antiochschools.net/o/dvhs/page/dvtv
· Deer Valley is a strictly CLOSED CAMPUS for lunch. No students are allowed to leave the campus during lunchtime. Also - at no time during the school day are students permitted to exit the campus to the parking lots. This will be strictly enforced by security.
· A reminder that students are not allowed to ride their skateboards, skates, bicycles, scooters, etc. anywhere on campus. Please utilize the bike racks to lock up bikes. Bikes found locked to railings, light posts, and pillars are subject to removal.
· Bathrooms in House 3 are the only bathrooms open afterschool for Night School.
· Attention students. If you plan on attending any on campus events such as games or dances or need to check out library books you must have your student ID. If you do not have an ID please go to the security office located next to the House 4 or find any Site Safety personal to see if they will print your ID.
Student Activities
· Have you heard that Deer Valley, Dozier-Libbey, and Antioch are holding a combined Winter Ball! It’s time to save the date for our AUSD Winter Ball on Friday, December 13th, from 7-10PM across the street at the Antioch Community Center. Tickets will are $30, or $25 with a Teal Card. They go on sale after Thanksgiving Break, so time to start saving for our first formal dance of the year! Please be aware that tickets are limited since this is a combined winter formal, so do not wait until the last minute. Tickets are first-come, first-served.
· Interested in bringing a guest from outside our district to Winter Ball? Then stop by the Leadership Room (541) to pick one up from Mr. Orosco. Guest Passes are due before we go on Thanksgiving Break. These take days to complete, so don’t wait! Guest tickets will cost $35.
· There is after school tutoring/homework help Mondays-Fridays in room 315 from 2:30 pm to 4:00pm. It's in the ELD classroom but all are welcome.
· From the Library: If you need information about your Library Record, “Teams” is a great way to communicate with your Library Staff. Please, be sure to check Teams periodically for notifications regarding your record.
· Tutoring is now available every Monday and Thursday in the Library from 3:45 to 4:45 for Math, English, and Science classes! Don’t forget to bring your books and supplies to take advantage of this free tutoring!
Senior Scene
· College application season is in full swing. Please remember to create an account in Parchment. As colleges communicate with you through their application portals, please use your Parchment account to send required transcripts.
· Quotes can be submitted through our official Senior Class Form. Fliers will be posted in classrooms, house offices, and Teams.
· Submissions start Wednesday 10/23 and close on 11/30.
· Students GET ONE submission only
· If a submission is found to be inappropriate for school publication (as determined by Mr. Duryea and Principal McLennan) then it will not be printed in the yearbook.
· Yearbooks are on sale all year long. They are currently 100 for all students until January 1st, when the price will go up to $115.
Junior Jazz
· N/A
Sophomore Stuff
· N/A
Freshman Facts
· N/A
· Softball conditioning every Wednesday and Thursday from 4-5:30pm. Days might change, so follow @DeerValleySoftball on Instagram for updates or contact Coach Magaña via Email. UlisesMagana@antiochschools.net
· Girls Basketball Tryouts begin Monday Nov 4 from 4-6 PM in the South Gym. If you have any questions, please contact Coach McLennan stephenmclennan@antiochschools.net
· N/A
Career Center