End of Year Library information and Hours:
The library will be open for book collections only, May 31st – June 10th, from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
We will be closed on June 9th to honor our graduating Seniors.
AP Summer Reading books and materials are available for checkout starting May 31st – June 10th.
Library and Textbook returns have already begun, and are due.
Textbooks may be returned now, or after student finals.
Seniors – please, be sure to have your Library Records cleared or fines payed no later than June 6th.
All books received after June 9th will be considered late and fines will be accessed.
So, be on time and enjoy your Summer!
Our library hours are Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Laptops are available for checkout with a current ID and no fines on your account.
Printing is available for 10 cents a page for text and 30 cents per page for pictures in black and white.
If you have questions about the DV Library please feel free to Email Shirey Wilkins or call her at 925-779-7570 ext. 40628.

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