Joshua Hannah

Hannah, Joshua photo

Joshua Hannah

Email Joshua Hannah

Phone: 925-779-7570

This is my third year at Deer Valley High School, but it's my 20th year as a teacher.  I hold a Bachelor's degree in English from Fresno State University.  I am currently teaching Freshman and Sophomore English and our school's Link Crew program.

Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience.  It provides the structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from juniors and seniors who have been through the challenges that high school poses.  


All of the course work for English 9, English 10 and Link Crew will be posted on your Google Class account.  New assignments will be posted on Monday and are due at the end of the week.  If you have any questions, please email me at, or give me a call on the number provided in the informational email.  My official office hours are 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. every day.  However, if you need to text or email a question or concern, you can do so at any time.