Patrick Green


Patrick Green

Email Patrick Green

Phone: 925-779-7570

Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Kinesiology MS in Physical Education NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

I am Mr. Green.  I have been teaching at Antioch Middle School for 8 years.  I teach physical education and health.  I am also the athletic director at AMS and the head coach of the boys’ soccer team.  I received my bachelors in exercise science at California Baptist University.  I received my master’s degree in physical education from Azusa Pacific.  I was a college athlete and a 5-sport athlete in high school.  As one can see sports and fitness have been a major part of my life.  They are my passion which is why I am so excited to teach PE.  I hope I can inspire and share what I know to impact my students.  Outside of teaching I am also a personal trainer and nutrition coach.  I hold the most sought out certification in the fitness industry a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification.  If I am not teaching, training or coaching I am spending time with my wife Hannah and 2-year-old son Lucas. I hope to make an impact in your life and help you with your healthy journey. Go Eagles!
