Tesherian Berry

Tesherian Berry

Tesherian Berry

Email Tesherian Berry

Phone: 925-779-7570

Since I started teaching in 2016, I have taught 7th-grade math as well as a combination of 9th/10th/11th/12th-grade math. I currently teach Algebra 1, Career Based Math, and Math Endeavors. I also currently run the Math Tutoring Center on campus.

I have 2 daughters, that are 12 and 11. Let's just say, I stay super busy. :)

When I am not teaching, I love to read! I own entirely too many books if there is such a thing. 

Currently, my classroom is filled with three-dimensional polygons hanging from my ceiling and students' artwork all over the walls! Don't worry, we integrated real-world mathematics into our art creations!

Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Mathematics- UC Riverside
MA in Education- University of Redlands
Teaching Credential- University of Redlands
