Además, el próximo viernes 10 de noviembre no habrá clases, en honor al Día de los Veteranos.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
¡Recordatorio! Desde hoy hasta el próximo jueves son días de salida temprana para las conferencias de padres y maestros. Los estudiantes TK/K salen a las 11:25, los grados 1-3 salen a las 11:32 y los grados 4-5 salen a las 11:35.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Reminder! Today through next Thursday is early release days for parent/teacher conferences. Students TK/K are out at 11:25 grades ,1-3 are out at 11:32, and grades 4-5 are out at 11:35. Also, Next Friday Nov. 10th there is no school, in honor of Veteran's Day.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Reminder! Sutter students are allowed to wear costumes to school tomorrow. All AUSD dress code guidelines must be followed. NO masks and NO weapons. Face paint is allowed. Adults wanting to watch the Halloween parade may enter campus at 8:20 am and walk to the blacktop. There is no school Wed. Nov. 1st.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter family, only cars with handicapped placards can park in the handicapped spots. We have students in wheelchairs that need access to the ramp near those spots. Also, Students cannot be dropped off in the 3rd lane. And remember, please drive slowly through the lot. Thanks for keeping our kiddos safe.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Hello Parents & Guardians, The district is considering a bond measure to improve our school facilities. We want to know what improvements are important to you. Please click the link, find your student's school, post your recommendation, or like previous posts.
11 months ago, Antioch Unified School District
School Bond - What does your school need?
Sutter Families, there was an earthquake this morning. We did duck, cover and evacuate. All students are safe and have returned to their normal school routines. There was no damage to the school site. Please feel free to have safety discussions at home and make sure you have a home emergency earthquake plan.
11 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Tomorrow, October 18th, is Walk or Roll to school day. Students are encouraged to walk or roll (bike or skateboard) to school. Please remember to wear your helmet and follow all the safety rules we learned about during the street smarts assembly last week.
11 months ago, Jessica Erickson
walk to school day Oct 18th
walk or roll to school oct 18th
Our first Parent Advisory Committee Meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Items on the agenda are: 1. District News & Resources – highlights of our students shining across the district 2. AUSD Schools Bond – for much needed school community environment upgrades 3. Equity Audits – district-wide school transformational improvement efforts 4. Community Schools – AUSD’s goal to serve the school community as a resource center Join us online for this virtual meeting. or check the district website for other ways to connect:
11 months ago, Antioch Unified School District
Our first Parent Advisory Committee Meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Items on the agenda are:  District News & Resources – highlights of our students shining across the district  AUSD Schools Bond – for much needed school community environment upgrades  Equity Audits – district-wide school transformational improvement efforts  Community Schools – AUSD’s goal to serve the school community as a resource center Join us online for this virtual meeting. or check the district website for other ways to connect:
11 months ago, Antioch Unified School District
Sutter families, Please see the attachment for info on the Halloween parade that we will host at Sutter School on October 31st. Students can wear their Halloween costumes to school on the 31st, however there are costume guidelines, NO masks, no weapons. Face paint is allowed. Visitors will be able to attend the Halloween parade. Visitors will wait outside the front gate until 8:20 am. Staff will open the gate for families to come to the blacktop. Students will parade around the blacktop around the visitors. Once the parade is done, all visitors must immediately leave campus. Students not dressing up are invited to wear orange and black.
11 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Halloween parade
Halloween parade
Good afternoon Sutter families, The 2024 AUSD Dr. Martin Luther King Scholarship Theme is Shifting the Culture Climate through the Study and Practice of Dr. King’s Nonviolence. Submissions must tell the story about how students honor the legacy of Dr. King through a heart of service and how you can make a difference if you embody the 2024 theme. Please see the attachment for more details.
11 months ago, Jessica Erickson
2024 MLK scholarship
Check out the October newsletter for important school information using the link below. Consulte el boletín de octubre para obtener información importante sobre la escuela utilizando el siguiente enlace.
11 months ago, Jessica Erickson
There is no school October 2-6th due to Fall break. School will resume on October 9th. The BACR after school program will be running 8 am- 5 pm each day of Fall break. If you need childcare, please turn in an application asap. Application went home to all students last week, but you can pick up another copy in the office if you need one. Also, you may find the flier with more info and a QR code to register in the attachment. No hay escuela del 2 al 6 de octubre debido a las vacaciones de otoño. La escuela se reanudará el 9 de octubre. El programa después de la escuela BACR se ejecutará de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. todos los días de las vacaciones de otoño. Si necesita cuidado de niños, entregue una solicitud lo antes posible. La solicitud llegó a casa para todos los estudiantes la semana pasada, pero puede recoger otra copia en la oficina si la necesita. Además, puede encontrar el folleto con más información y un código QR para registrar en el archivo adjunto.
12 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Good Evening, We have recently seen a surge in the "Paqui One Chip Challenge" which is a brand challenging individuals to consume extremely hot chips as part of a social media "challenge". Effective immediately, the “Hot Brand Challenge” chips and gummies are banned from all AUSD campuses. Students across the nation have been hospitalized as a result of a reaction to the heat index of the chips. We encourage our parents and guardians to speak with their children about the dangers of participating in this and other potentially harmful internet challenges. Notice: Students will be suspended for bringing these to school let alone trying to encourage others to take the challenge. Buenas Tardes- Últimamente hemos visto un aumento del “Reto de Un Totopo Paqui,” la cual es una marca que reta a individuos a consumir totopos extremadamente picantes como parte de un “reto” de los medios sociales. Efectivo inmediatamente, los totopos y gomitas de “Reto Picante” quedan prohibidos en todas las escuelas de AUSD. Hay alumnos en todo el país que han sido hospitalizados como resultado de su reacción al nivel de picante de los totopos. Les recomendamos a los padres y tutores que hablen con sus hijos sobre el peligro de participar en este y otros retos de internet potencialmente peligrosos. Aviso: Se suspenderá a cualquier alumno que los lleve a la escuela, y mucho menos que rete a otros a tomar el reto.
12 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families, please see the attached fliers and Agenda for the District DLAC meeting at Antich Middle School Newcomer center on September 21st at 9:00 am. You may also attend virtually by clicking the link below. Familias Sutter, Por favor vea los volantes adjuntos y la Agenda para la reunión del Distrito DELAC en el centro de recién llegados de la Escuela Intermedia Antich el 21 de septiembre a las 9:00 am. También puede asistir virtualmente haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace.
12 months ago, Jessica Erickson
DELAC meeting 9amAntioch Middle School   1500 D street antioch room 103
DELAC meeting 9am 9/21/23
DELAC agenda
DELAC agenda spanish
Sutter families, please see the attached agenda for the School Site Council meeting next week on September 14, 2023. This meeting will be held after school at 3:00 in room B3. Familias de Sutter, por favor vean la agenda adjunta para la reunión del Consejo del Sitio Escolar la próxima semana el 14 de septiembre de 2023. Esta reunión se llevará a cabo después de la escuela a las 3:00 en el aula B3.
12 months ago, Jessica Erickson
School site council Agenda September 14, 2023 3:00 pm
Please see the attached agenda for the upcoming ELAC meeting on September 12th at 9:00 in room B3. Consulte la agenda adjunta para la próxima reunión de ELAC el 12 de septiembre a las 9:00 en la sala B3.
12 months ago, Jessica Erickson
September 9, 2023 ELAC  Agenda
ELAC Agenda September 12, 2020 9:00 am
Sutter families, the last chance to order School photos is September 1st. Order online: @ use order code 80987YA
about 1 year ago, Jessica Erickson
last chance to order school pictures is September 1st
Sutter families, you may have noticed the outside of our school building is being painted. Tomorrow (Aug.31) painting will begin on the kindergarten building. The painters are recommended to not park near the Kinder building due to overspray. Please be advised and plan accordingly. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Jessica Erickson