The PTA is working hard to create a fun yearbook for our students. Please see the attached flier if you want to purchase a yearbook. The price is currently $30 but will increase at the deadline approaches. The PTA is also offering 5th grade Advertisements for an additional $10. 5th grade families can include a short message and photo of their choice of their student, to celebrate sending their 5th graders off to middle school ( This is for 5th graders only) . Please email the PTA if you have any questions. See the fliers for more information. Here is the link to purchase a yearbook.
6 months ago, Jessica Erickson
5th garde ad
Good morning, Sutter Families, this is a reminder that students get out of school early all this week for conferences. TK and K are out at 11:25, 1st-3rd grade are out at 11:32 and 4th and 5th grade are out at 11:35. Thank you.
6 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families, Conference week is February 26th through March 1st. Students will get out early all next week. Tk/K are out at 11:25, Grades 1-3 are out at 11:32, and grades 4-5 are out at 11:35. We look forward to seeing parents on campus for conferences next week.
6 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Good Evening Sutter Families. Please click the link for Informational Bond Video
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter Families, there is no school On Monday February 19th in celebration of President's Day. Enjoy your 3-day weekend.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
president's day
Sutter families, please use the following link to view our February newsletter.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families, Tomorrow, Feb. 14th, is a spirit day. Students may dress in red, and pink or wear hearts to celebrate Valentines Day.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families - There is no school Monday February 12th to honor Lincoln's Birthday. We will see you Tuesday. Enjoy your 3-day weekend.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
no school Feb. 12th
The AUSD will hold a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Meeting on Thursday, 2/22/2024 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Please join us in person at Antioch Middle School Library. Child Care and Refreshments will be available. Join us as we analyze goals and actions, and make recommendations for the 2024-2027 LCAP.
7 months ago, Antioch Unified School District
LCAP 2/22/24 meeting flyer
¡Tendremos una reunión de la PTA esta noche para discutir los eventos de primavera, revisar los eventos de invierno y aprender sobre las nuevas medidas de bonos! ¡Todos son bienvenidos! 6pm en la Escuela Primaria Sutter en B3
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
We will be having a PTA meeting tonight to discuss spring events, recap winter events, and learn about the new bond measures! All are welcome! 6pm at Sutter Elementary in room B3
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Please see the attached flyers for info. about the upcoming parent info night. February 15th 6:00 pm at Sutter School.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
parent night meeting
parent meeting night spanish
Sutter families, There is an ELAC meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the Sutter Library. We look forward to seeing you there. Please visit this link to view the agenda and more info about ELAC.
7 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families, If your student is a band student, please have them arrive at 5:30 tonight for the band/ instrument concert. The concert will start ay 6:00 pm. Students should wear black and white attire. We look forward to listening to how much they have learn thus far. Thank you,
9 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter Families, Wed. Dec. 20th is an early release day. TK and K are out at 11:25 am., Grades 1-3 are out at 11:32 am, and Grade 4-5 is out at 11:35 am. This is also a spirit day; students can wear pajamas to school that day. Winter break is Dec. 21- Jan. 9th. School will resume on Wed. Jan. 10, 2024.
9 months ago, Jessica Erickson
We still have volunteer opportunities for tonight's Cookies with Sanat event. If you can help, please sign up here.
9 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Thank you to all that purchased tickets to the PTA Cookies with Santa Event. We are full, there are no more tickets available to purchase. The event is 5:30-7:30 tonight, you may stop by any time during that time frame. Please plan on being in line to meet Santa before 7:15, Santa has a busy schedule this season.
9 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter families, the PTA is hosting a Cookie with Santa event at school on Thurs. Dec. 7th 5:30 -7:30 pm. Students will enjoy milk and cookies, photos with Santa, and more. The cost for a family ticket is $5. Fliers will be coming home in the next day or two. Please see info on the flier to purchase a ticket.
9 months ago, Jessica Erickson
Sutter Families, The next ELAC meeting is on Nov. 14th at 9:00 am in room B3. All are welcome to attend. See the agenda attached or visit the link below. familias sutter, La próxima reunión de ELAC será el 14 de noviembre a las 9:00 am en el salón B3. Todos son bienvenidos para asistir. Consulte la agenda adjunta o visite el enlace a continuación.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson
nov. agenda spanish
Sutter Families, please check out the elementary sports page link below. You will find info on how to sign up for upcoming elementary sports programs provided by Antioch Unified School District.
10 months ago, Jessica Erickson