Schoolwide Themes

Think Different

Think Different

2017-2018 Theme

The theme for this school year is “Think Different.”  It is based on the 1997 Apple Computer Campaign which questioned the notion that those who challenge tradition or popular thought (such as choosing independent study) are “The Crazy Ones.”  Your teacher will give you the opportunity to explore this topic through a school wide assignment to earn elective credit. We will emphasize the theme through related activities and experiences.

Find Your Inspiration

Where will you find your inspiration?

2018 - 2019 Theme

Our theme for this school year is “Find Your Inspiration.”  Your teacher will give you the opportunity to explore this topic through a school wide assignment to earn elective credit.  We will emphasize the theme through related activities and experiences.  The first step toward successful learning is to find the inspiration that will energize you.  It is that excitement that spurs interest in a certain subject or the motivation that ignites your desire to succeed.  We hope to help you find your inspiration this year and to keep it blazing. Make sure to share your progress with us on Facebook and Twitter by tagging us @ProspectsHawks and use the hashtag #myinspiration.