School Site Council
A school site council is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees that work with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the school site council are generally elected by their peers. For example, parents elect the parent representatives and teachers elect teachers. In addition to academic planning, many site councils are also responsible for making decisions about parent engagement, safety and discipline.
If you're interested in school policy or budgets, you may enjoy serving on your school's site council. To find out what your school site council does, attend a meeting or talk to the school principal. This is your chance to help make a difference in your child's school. If you would like to participate on the council, call your school secretary to find out how the selection process works. Be a part of making decisions that will best serve the Marsh Elementary community!


Marsh Elementary
School Site Committee
Location: Teams
Meeting Minutes 10/11/23
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Call to order
Establish Quorum
Review School Site Council Meeting Notes
Update on Purchase Technology Orders
$12,016 in surplus funds
$700 to ensure all teams boards can be ordered so that all teachers and intervention have access to Teams Boards 5 remaining boards
Second Melissa Agurto
Passed 6-0
$11 ,316 to afterschool program to focus on ELD, ELA, and Mathematics Students
Second Jessica Santillan
Passed 6-0