Good morning, Jack London Families!
Jack London PTO will be holing a meeting tomorrow, Thursday, November 2nd at 4:00 in the library. Please join us to help plan for our upcoming events!
Hello Families. Make-Up Picture Day is Thursday, 11/02. Order forms are on Facebook, on our Website and in the office. Completed forms must be given to the teacher by or before 8:00am on Thursday, 11/02. Thank you.
Our candy buckets are empty. Thanks to everyone for making our Trunk or Treat event a success!
Good evening Jack London Families,
We hope you can join us tomorrow evening from 5pm to 7pm for our Trunk or Treat event. Please see the attached flier for details.
Jack London PTO will also be selling spirit wear at the event. Shirts are $15. Only cash payments please.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
Hello Parents & Guardians,
The district is considering a bond measure to improve our school facilities. We want to know what improvements are important to you. Please click the link, find your student's school, post your recommendation, or like previous posts.
Please see the district office's guidelines for sick students:
Hello Families. Make-Up Picture Day is Thursday, 11/02. Order forms are on Facebook, on our Website and in the office. Completed forms must be given to the teacher by or before 8:00am on Thursday, 11/02. Thank you.
Our first Parent Advisory Committee Meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Items on the agenda are:
1. District News & Resources – highlights of our students shining across the district
2. AUSD Schools Bond – for much needed school community environment upgrades
3. Equity Audits – district-wide school transformational improvement efforts
4. Community Schools – AUSD’s goal to serve the school community as a resource center
Join us online for this virtual meeting.
or check the district website for other ways to connect:
Our first Parent Advisory Committee Meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Items on the agenda are:
District News & Resources – highlights of our students shining across the district
AUSD Schools Bond – for much needed school community environment upgrades
Equity Audits – district-wide school transformational improvement efforts
Community Schools – AUSD’s goal to serve the school community as a resource center
Join us online for this virtual meeting.
or check the district website for other ways to connect:
Attention Jack London Families: Jack London PTO needs your help.
Please join the PTO to help plan and organize our annual Harvest Festival and Trunk or Treat tomorrow, Wednesday October 11th at 4:00 in the library. We can't host the event without your support! See you tomorrow!
Good morning Jack London Families! Tomorrow, October 11th is National Stop Bullying Day. Show your school spirit and wear orange. Please see the flier for details.
September is Attendance Awareness Month: All Absences are Equal -
Chances are your child will need to miss a few days of school this year. While some absences might seem more excusable, the impact is actually the same whether your child is sick, ditching or taking a family trip. Any absence makes it harder for your child to keep up with the everyday classroom learning that is needed to grow and succeed. Some absences are unavoidable; but too many will make your child fall behind and they might not be able to catch up. Save absences for when it is absolutely necessary and make sure they are in school every day.
September is Attendance Awareness Month: Establish Good Attendance Habits Now -
Can you imagine your child ditching school all the time? It may be difficult to picture now, but kids who miss too many days in elementary school are more likely to miss in middle and high school. This puts them at greater risk of dropping out. If you allow them to be absent too many times now they can form poor habits which could be harmful to their future success. Help your child build good attendance habits by making sure they are at school every day.
Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) will be hosting Fall Intercession during Fall Break, from October 2nd to October 6th, for grades TK to 6th. The program is free to AUSD students. Spaces are limited. If you interested, applications are available in the office.
Jack London PTO will be holding their first meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th at 4:00pm in the library. Please see the attached flier for more details.
September is Attendance Awareness Month: Absences Add Up -
Even in elementary school, missing 18 or more days per year (or just 2 days per month) is too many. Students who miss too many days in elementary school are more likely to fall behind in reading, writing and math. This makes them less likely to graduate high school. Keep track of and limit your child’s absences in order to keep them on course to succeed in their future.
September is Attendance Awareness Month: Attendance Matters -
School, even in the early years, is critical to building a strong foundation for learning that will help your child succeed in middle school, high school and beyond. You cannot make up for too many absences with homework or take-home assignments. Each day your child is not in school is a missed opportunity to learn something they will need in order to understand more difficult material later. Help your child succeed in their future. Make sure they are in school every day.
Greetings, Jack London Families!
Just a reminder - there is NO SCHOOL Monday, September 4th in honor of Labor Day.
We will see all our students back at school on Tuesday, September 5th!
Have a great weekend, Wolf Pack!
Good evening, Jack London Families,
We look forward to seeing you all here for Back to School Night. We wanted to provide some updates on our timeline. Due to an issue with the chiller here at Jack London, our AC was off for a couple hours this afternoon. The issue is being addressed; however, classrooms remain warmer than usual this evening. Due to that we are modifying our BTSN schedule slightly:
6:00-6:15pm Welcome in Courtyard
6:15-6:30 - Session 1
6:30-6:35 - Transition (for those with siblings)
6:35-6:50 Session 2
6:50-7:00 Exit and Parent Tables
Thank you! We will see you at 6pm.