Greetings, Jack London Families,
Please see The Monthly Howl (Newsletter) for January 2025:
Thank you,
Dr. Roat and Ms. Torres
Update Coming Soon to the AUSD app! Parents/guardians who have already created a Rooms account will be able to access app features like chat and announcements in a new, streamlined way!
Updated Look Coming Soon:
Download for Android
Download for iPhone
Good evening, Jack London Families! This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, December 19th, PTO will be hosting a Sing-Along movie night from 5:30-7:30pm, in the cafeteria. We’ll be singing along to The Little Mermaid! Costumes are encouraged for extra fun. We hope you can join us! Please see attached flier for details.
Greetings, Jack London Families,
We hope you will join us for our Winter Concert, featuring our instrumental students, which will be held tomorrow, December 12, 2024, beginning at 6:00pm in the cafeteria!
Additional Information for Performers:
-String students should arrive by 5:45pm.
-Band students should arrive by 6:20pm.
-Dress Code for Performers (was also sent home): white shirt/blouse/sweater; black pants/skirt; follow school Dress Code.
We hope to see you there!
Greetings Wolf Pack!
We would like to invite you to participate in the 48th Annual Kawanis Club's Annual Holiday Fun Run and Walk for Health. This is a wonderful opportunity to get some exercise at beautiful Contra Loma Reservoir. Also, schools with the most participants win a trophy and money for their school.
Race Details:
December 14th (Please arrive no later than 8:30 for check in and stretch.), the 1-mile race starts at 9:00, and the 3-mile race starts at 9:30.
Entry Fee includes race, t-shirt, bib number, and a chance to win a medal for top 5 of your age category. If you sign up, make sure to sign up for the Jack London team.
Here is a link with more information and to register for the race.
We hope you can join us!
Greetings, Jack London Families,
Please read The Monthly Howl (Newsletter) for December here:
Thank you,
Dr. Roat and Ms. Torres
Good afternoon, Jack London Families! This is a reminder that tomorrow is Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Students are invited to walk to school with parent permission and to wear purple to school in honor of the day. Kind regards, Jack London PASS Committee
Greetings, Jack London Families,
Please read The Monthly Howl for November here:
Thank you, Dr. Roat and Ms. Torres
Greetings, Wolf Pack, Today is a Heritage Spirit Day and Minimum Release for students in TK-6 (dismissed at 11:35am). Next week is Fall Break (No School). Students return to school on 10/15.
Please read The Monthly Howl newsletter for October here:
Good evening, Jack London Families. This a reminder that tomorrow, Friday August 23rd, is a Minimum Day. Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 11:35am and TK will be dismissed at 11:30am. Please make arrangements to pick your student up on time. Thank you.
Important Reminders:
Back to School Night is today, Thursday, August 15, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:30pm. The schedule is as follows:
• 5:00-5:20 Title 1 Parent Meeting in the Multi-Use Room
• 5:20-5:30 Principal’s Welcome in the Multi-Use Room
• 5:30-6:30 Classroom Visits
Tomorrow, Friday, August 16th is a Minimum Day. Grades Kindergarten through 6th will be dismissed at 11:35am, at the flagpole. TK will be dismissed from the top parking lot at 11:30am. Please plan accordingly so that your student is picked up on time.
We hope to see you all this evening at Back to School Night.
Good evening, Jack London Families! We hope that everybody had a great first day at school!
Here are a few important reminders:
• Tomorrow, Friday, August 9th is a Minimum Day.
• School begins at 8:00am for all grades.
• Grades Kindergarten to 6th will be dismissed at 11:35am, at the flag pole.
• TK will be dismissed at 11:30am, from the top parking lot.
• On Monday, August 12, 2024, we will be back on our regular bell schedule. You can find a copy of the bell schedule in the Jack London Student and Parent Handbook.
• Thursday, August 15th is Back to School Night. The schedule is as follows:
• 5:00-5:20pm Title 1 Parent Meeting – Multi-Use Room
• 5:20-5:30pm Principal’s Welcome – Multi-Use Room
• 5:30-6:30pm Classroom Visits
• TK and Kindergarten parents are invited to walk their students to class through, Friday, August 16th. For parents in grades 1st through 6th, please say “goodbye” at the gate.
If you have any questions, please contact the office. See you tomorrow, Wolf Pack!
Please read the following important reminders for today:
• Today is a Minimum Day - Release at 11:15am for all students
• Report Cards go home today
• 6th Grade Awards & Promotion Ceremony will be at 10:15am in the Courtyard
• 6th Grade “Clap Out” is at 11:15am - 6th grade parents, please stand in the designated Parent Viewing Areas between the office and the library for this event. The Parent Viewing Area will open at 11:00am.
• Sixth graders will walk to the main courtyard after dismissal.
• Please check the “Lost and Found” gate near the flagpole. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity on June 6, 2024 at 4pm.
Thank you and have a wonderful summer, Wolf Pack!!!
Greetings, Jack London Parents,
Here are some reminders for the last two weeks of school:
We will have a Title 1 Parent Meeting on Teams tomorrow, 5/29 at 3:00pm. All students whose parents attend will be entered into a raffle for a book set or a book of children's poetry. The meeting link was also emailed and posted on Facebook. We hope you will join us!
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 249 533 558 622
Passcode: MeyBQj
Dial in by phone
+1 657-201-8845,,120248747#
Phone conference ID: 120 248 747#
Also, remember this week is a Spirit Week, designed by the Jack London Student Council:
-Today, 5/28 was Throwback Movie/Show Character Day
-Wednesday, 5/29 - 70’s Theme
-Thursday, 5/30 - 80’s Theme
-Friday, 5/31 - 90’s Theme
Next Week: June 3rd- 6th - Minimum Day Release at 11:15am for TK-6th Grades every day!
Thursday, June 6th:
-Last Day of School - Minimum Day Release at 11:15am for all students; Report Cards go home
-6th Grade Awards & Promotion Ceremony 10:15am in the Courtyard
-6th Grade “Clap Out” at 11:15am: 6th grade parents, please stand in the designated Parent Viewing Areas between the office and the library for this event. The Parent Viewing Area will open at 11:00am. Sixth graders will walk to the main courtyard after dismissal.
-Please check the “Lost and Found” gate near the flagpole. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity on June 6, 2024 at 4pm. Thank you!
Thank you,
Dr. Roat and Ms. Torres
Good afternoon, Jack London Families!
Please see the attached fliers for very important End-of the-Year reminders. In addition, please don't forget that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, May 24th, and Monday, May 27th. School will be back in session on Tuesday, May, 28th. Have a wonderful weekend, Wolf Pack!
Dear Wolf Pack Families and Staff,
Please see The Monthly Howl for May/June here:
Thank you,
Dr. Roat
Greetings, Jack London Families,
We love parent/guardian volunteers at Jack London! If you are interested in getting involved, there are several options. First, you are encouraged to speak with your child's teacher about upcoming events and activities. Or, come in and speak with the office staff. We are often in need of volunteers to support with school events and services, such as Picture Day, Hearing Screenings, and Vision Screenings. Finally, we are always looking for parent participants for our School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), and Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings and events.
If you choose to participate in events or activities here at Jack London, please be sure to review out Visitor and Volunteer Policies (Jack London Handbook, pg. 11-12):
All visitors are required to report to the school office upon arriving at campus. Classroom visits must be arranged in advance and have prior approval from the classroom teacher. Parent/guardian volunteers sign in and receive their volunteer badges in the office. Please avoid lengthy conferences with the teacher during such visits so the teacher can conduct class as usual. Students from other schools, or siblings of Jack London students, will not be permitted to visit during the regular school day.
Please note that volunteers/visitors may have their visiting privileges limited or revoked if the classroom teacher, principal, or principal’s designee determines that the individual’s presence in the classroom, or on campus, obstructs, interferes, or disrupts the classroom or school environment.
Many enriching and worthwhile experiences are afforded our children through volunteer help from parents/guardians. With this support, teachers are able to provide more direct instruction. Parents/guardians interested in volunteering time and services are requested to contact their child’s teacher. We encourage our parents/guardians to visit and volunteer in classrooms; however, please leave young children/siblings at home as they are a distraction to students in the classroom. Parents/guardians are not expected to discipline students as that is the job of the staff member. All volunteers sign a Volunteer Code of Ethics before working in a class or with students.
Please note that volunteers/visitors may have their visiting privileges limited or revoked if the classroom teacher, principal, or principal’s designee determines that the individual’s presence in the classroom, or on campus, obstructs, interferes, or disrupts the classroom or school environment.
Please call the Jack London office with any questions.
Thank you,
Dr. Roat and Ms. Torres
This is an important reminder that this week, May 6th to May 10th, is Teacher Appreciation Week! Let's show our teachers how grateful we are for all of their hard work and dedication to our students. Please see flier, which was sent home with students last week, for details.
Good evening, Wolf Pack!
Please see the attached flier for a few important Jack London reminders and updates regarding Open House on Thursday, May 2nd, and a minimum day on Friday, May 3rd.
Thank you!