Joyce Stephenson

Ms. Stephenson

Joyce Stephenson

Email Joyce Stephenson

Phone: 925-779-7420


What We Did in Class, 2024-2025

Tuesday, Feb. 4: Japan Map--fill in using text book and atlas; short video on geography of Japan. NO HW>

Monday, February 3: Start Japan! Islands (definition of) and mapping. Tsunami video Tsunami video link

Friday, January 31: Planner check; test results; Continue y'day's TBD.

Thursday, January 30: Test; TBD. NO HW> Miss the test? Make it up after school on Tuesday, Feb. 4

Wednesday, January 29: Complete and review eight vocab words. Test study guide (bright green). TEST TOMORROW!Green Study guide document

Tuesday, January 28: Sandy Hook Promise video presentation; review pg. 58 vocab--8 words. Test on Friday (maybe Thursday)

Monday, January 27: Muslim Contributions handout and blue worksheet: review, complete and turn in. NO HW.

Friday, January 24: Muslim Contributions handout + blue worksheet. NO HW

hursday, Jan.23: Finish Second Step; Text, page 84; return grey w/s and vocab test from Dec.

Wednesday, Jan. 22: Second Step. NO HW>

Tuesday, Jan. 21: Complete and turn in grey worksheet started on Friday; Textbook page 68. NO HW

Monday, Jan.20: MLK,Jr Day. No school.

Friday, Jan. 17: Planner check; MLK/Inauguration; Islam and annotating and grey worksheet. NO HW. No school Monday.

Thursday, Jan. 16: Continue Islam--handouts and annotating. NO HW.

Wednesday, January 15: Second Step returns! Self-concept. NO HW.

Tuesday, January 14: Turn in camel project with DoG--today is the last day to turn it in; continue Islam--notes and handout. NO HW.

Monday,January 13: Turn in camel project w/DoG; continue Islam--text and notes. Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to turn in camel project.

Friday, January 10, 2025: Planner check; turn in camel project (OK to turn in Monday or Tuesday w/DoG certificate); start Islam.

Thursday, January 9, 2025: Geography of the Arabian Peninsula review; camel project (bright orange handout, given Dec. 19). Due tomorrow, dogable to Tuesday, Jan. 14. Camel project document

Wednesday, January 8 , 2025: Welcome Back! Review classroom procedures and expectations. NO HW.

Friday, Dec. 20: Minimum Day--Christmas break. See you on January 8, 2025

Thursday, Dec. 19: finish geography notes (really). Get camel project (bright orange handout) and practice drawing camels.

Wednesday, Dec. 18: Continue and complete geography of the Arabian Peninsula notes. NO HW. Tomorrow--Camel project!

Tuesday, Dec. 17: Geography of the Arabian Peninsula; text (from old text book, not current textbook) and notes. NO HW.

Monday, Dec. 16: Test results; start text--pg. 60-61. NO HW

Friday, Dec. 13 (7th grade mustache day): Planner check and vocab test.

Thursday, Dec. 12: finish map and video; practice vocab test. Vocab test tomorrow.

Wednesday, Dec. 11: finish map; video Vocab test on FRIDAY Arabian Peninsula video link

Tuesday, Dec. 10: Finish vocab from y'day. Vocab test on Friday. Start Middle East map.

Monday, Dec. 9: review/revisit Medieval K-W-L chart; start new unit. Vocab, page 58: Caliph, clan, imam, mosque, oasis, pilgrimage, prophet, Bedouin, Islam, Mecca, Muhammad, Qu’ran  Twelve words. Word, defintion, page found. Don't go into margins. Expect vocab test later in the week. Can't find the term? Go to index and check text.

Friday, Dec. 6: Planner check; the legend of Robin Hood.

Thursday, Dec. 5: Magna Carta videofest!!! Text, pages 308-309; Video One: Anamaniacs

Video Two: Horrible Histories

Video Fest worksheet

Wednesday, Dec. 4: Finish Bubonic plague--handout and annotating. TOMORROW: bring phone and earbuds/earphones to class for Magna Carta video fest!

Tuesday, Dec. 3: Bubonic Plague! Videos (two, see links) and handout. HW: on Thursday, bring charged phone and earbuds for in-class activity.Nat Geo plague video Black Death music video link

Monday, Dec. 2: Thanksgiving check-in; Medieval review; finish knights (pink sheet and worksheet). NO HW.

Friday, Nov. 22: Finish watching video and turn in notes.

Thursday, Nov. 21: Turn in Coat of Arms project; Video + Notes (PBS Nova: Secrets of the Shining Knight). NO HW

Wednesday, Nov. 20: Pink knight handout: continue reading and annotating. HW: Coat of Arms project due tomorrow. NOT DoG-able.

Tuesday, Nov. 19: Coat of Arms Project (how to and directions on bright orange half-sheet of paper) -due Thursday at start of class--NOT DoG-able. HW: continue Coat of Arms.

Monday, Nov. 18: KNIGHTS! Pink handout--annotate and short video (see link)Knight video link HW: bring colored pencils or markers tomorrow.

Friday, Nov. 15: Planner check; finish "Castle" video. Next week...KNIGHTS!

Thursday, Nov. 14: Turn in y'day's homework; Continue notes on blue sheet (the triangle); Castles! Start video. NO HW.

Wednesday, Nov. 13: Book check; Feudalism--text and notes, page 300-301; Homework: watch video and fill out worksheet. Due tomorrow, not DoG-able. Knight Video Link (today's HW)

Tuesday, Nov. 12: Finish Charlemagne--T-Chart and think question; Turn in t-chart and Charlemagne w/s.;start text, page 300.

Monday, Nov. 11: No school, Veteran's Day.

Friday, Nov. 8: (Wed.schedule) Planner check. Continue (and almost complete) Charlemagne--worksheet and T-Chart. NO School Monday--it's Veteran's Day.

Thursday, Nov. 7: Continue Charlemagne--text and questions. NO HW.

Wednesday, Nov. 6: Charlemagne! Two handouts--reading and annotating. NO HW

Tuesday, Nov. 5: CNN 10 news/election day; finish notes from page 294; Charlemagne!! text, page 296 and video. NO HW.

Monday, Nov. 4: Halloween check-in; continue text and notes, page 294. HW: clean out your backpack ++++retake/make-up Medieval vocab test tomorrow @ 2:45. In order to be admitted, you must show and have the 10 words & definitions from page 292+++++++

Friday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL.

Thursday, Oct. 31: Planner check; history of Halloween video; continue text and notes,page 294. NO school tomorrow.

Wednesday, Oct. 30: Test results; text page 294 and notes. NO HW

Tuesday, Oct. 29: Vocab test; complete and turn in Medieval Europe Map. NO HW.

Monday, Oct. 28: Medieval Europe Map; Medieval vocab test tomorrow (words from Thurs and Friday of last week) NO HW

Friday, Oct. 25: Finish yesterday's vocab words. Change word #10--Middle Ages--to Franks: a tribe in Western Europe that obeyed the unwritten laws of their king. Pg. 294; Middle Ages intro video Intro to Middle Ages video link

Thursday, Oct 24: Medieval Europe! K-W-L chart; vocab page 292: chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal, Franks. How To: Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between terms. Started in class, will be finished in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, Oct. 23: Second Step

Tuesday, Oct. 22: Fall of Rome: review y'day's annotations; complete and turn in worksheet with four questions; video on fall of Rome. NO HW.

Monday, Oct. 21: Fall of Rome: video, text handout and annotating. Did you miss Thursday, Oct. 3's vocab test? Make it up after school on Wednesday. Vocab words can be found on Monday, Sept. 30's agenda.

Friday, Oct. 18: Planner check; finish 2.1/2.2/2.4 worksheet; Think questions (2 of them); turn in think questions and worksheet.

Thursday, Oct. 17: Text review; read pages 30-31; continue worksheet that was handed out in class on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (Origins of Christianity) Link on 10-1-24 entry, below.

Wednesday, Oct. 16: Second Step NO HW

Tuesday, Oct. 15: Q1 self reflection and procedure review. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 4: Minimum day. Fall Break--we return TUESDAY, Oct. 15

Thursday, October 3: Vocab test; complete and turn in 2.1 and 2.2 worksheet given in class on Tuesday (link on 10/1).

Wednesday, October 2: Hispanic Heritage video; return and review vocab; continue worksheet 2.1/2.2 HW: study and get ready for tomorrow's vocab test.

Tuesday, October 1: Turn in y'day's vocab. TEST on Thursday. Text, pages 24-26. Start 2.1/2.2 worksheet (see link) Origins of Christianity w/s link

Monday, Sept. 30: Test grades; clean out history binder; vocab, page 10 these words: catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, Christianity, Constantine, Gospel, Jesus, New Testament, Paul. Directions for vocab: word, defintion, page where found. Skip a line between terms. Do not go into the margins on your paper. Due at start of class tomorrow. Vocab test on Thursday.

Friday, Sept. 27: TEST.

Thursday, Sept. 26: Finish and turn in Second Step; Mindset video (see link); complete grey worksheet; begin filling in orange-colored study guide.(link to study guide on Wed's agenda, below) TEST tomorrow. Be ready. No retakes. Mindset video

Wednesday, Sept. 25: Second Step. Orange-colored study guide for Friday's test. Rome Study guide link

Tuesday, Sept. 24: Text, page 22-23; continue grey worksheet; HW: review Pax Romana worksheet. TEST on Friday, study guide tomorrow.

Monday, Sept. 23: Finish Roman City video and notes; turn in notes. Grey worksheet. Start working on section 1.4 from page 18. HW: review vocab words from page 10

Friday, Sept. 20: Text, page 20; continue video and notes from y'day.

Thursday, Sept. 19: Turn in Rome reading notes, 1.3; text page 18. Video and worksheet (see links)Rome City Video Link Rome video notes w/s

Wednesday, Sept. 18: Second Step. Turn in Rome reading notes worksheet tomorrow.

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Roman review; Roman road video; text, pg. 17. Complete and turn in worksheet (started in class y'day). HW: complete worksheet if not done in class. (link to worksheet on Monday's agenda)

Monday, Sept. 16: Roman review; Roman colisseum video; text, pg. 16. Handout, #s 1-6 NO HW.Roman Colisseum video link Rome Reading Notes doc link

Friday,Sept. 13: Minimum Day. Planner check. Finish and turn in Second Step handout

Thursday, Sept. 12: Second Step. HW: organize your binder

Wednesday, Sept. 11: Turn in Augustus video notes; CNN 10 news and 9/11; start Second Step. HW; Talk to a grownup about where they were on 9/11/2001.

Tuesday, Sept. 10: Vocab: Check and stamp; Start Rome--big board and video/worksheet. Worksheet due tomorrow at start of class. NOT dog-able.Today's Rome video link Today's worksheet (Augustus)

Monday, Sept. 9: Test results; Vocab, page 10 (ten words). HW: complete vocab words. Due at start of class tomorrow.

Friday,Sept. 6: Turn in geography notes; TEST

Thursday, Sept. 5: Finish goal setting; complete mapping notes. TEST tomorrow on five themes of geography and mapping (see attached) What's on the geography test document No retakes. Study!

Wednesday, Sept. 4: Second Step Goal Setting. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Finish and review Friday's map and continent practice; Text, page GT 6 and start Parts of a Map notes on back of last week's geography notes. NO HW.

Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day--no school

Friday, Aug 30: Return last week's Ticket In; map and continent practice w/s. No HW and no school Monday due to Labor Day.

Thursday, Aug 29: Review geography notes; video (the one we didn't watch y'day). Continent review Map video link

Wednesday, Aug. 28: Class website and review of cell phone policy; Start maps/mapping, text page GT 5-6; video Map Video link (Crash Course) HW: check out class website and bookmark it.

Tuesday, Aug. 27: Return textbook scavenger hunt; continue and complete Five Themes of Geography notes. NO HW.

Monday, August 26: Planner, page 24: Integrity. Discuss and short video (see link); Text page GT 1-3. Start notes and video

Integrity video link Five themes of geography video

Friday, August 23 Minimum Day: Finish class procedures and expectations notes.

Thursday, August 22: Complete and review primary source practice sheet; class procedures and expectations--notes. NO HW.

Wed.,August 21: Ticket In (because we didn't get to y'day's Ticket Out):Imagine a historian finds your room in 100 years. First: List three things in your bedroom.Then, answer this prompt: Write 3-5 sentences on what a future historian would deduce (conclude, based on evidence) about your life in 2024. Turn in. Continue working on yesterday's primary source practice sheet. NO HW>

Tuesday, August 20: Book check; text, page 12 Primary source practice handout. NO HW.

Monday, August 19: book check; correct and turn in scavenger hunt. Start text, page 12--primary and secondary sources.

Friday, Aug. 16: Book check; complete and start correcting (in class) text book scavenger hunt.

Thursday, Aug 15: Book check; start textbook scavenger hunt

Wednesday, Aug. 14: Complete syllabus notes; Q & A. BRING textbooks tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 13: Complete and turn in InstaMe activity; Start syllabus and notes. NO HW

Monday, August 12: Get Personal Business Passes and DoGs; InstaMe (getting to know you) activity. NO HW

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Coat of Arms Project (yellow 1/2 sheet and shield handout). Coat of Arms: How to

Due Friday, Oct. 27. NOT dog-able

Tuesday, Oct.24: KNIGHTS! Short video (see link) and pink handout. NO HW.Knight video link 1066 & Knight notes link

Monday, Oct. 23: Text, pg. 300-301 and notes. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 20: Video and text, page 300. Notes. Video link : 1066 video link

Thursday, Oct. 19: Charlemagne Finale: Yellow sheet and word bank/citation activity--complete and turn in. NO HW

Wednesday, Oct. 18: Intro to Feudalism video (DVD) + notes (three facts from video) NO HW Bonus for third period today--earthquake evacuation :)

Tuesday, Oct. 17: Complete and turn in Charlemagne project. Charlemagne review and video. NO HW

Monday, Oct. 16: Complete yellow sheet (See Friday); Charlemagne project: get started, using notes and yellow sheet. NO HW.

Friday, Oct 13: More Charlemagne! Yellow handout activity (underline "Charlemagne was..." characteristics; Circle accomplishments of Charlemagne; discuss as a class) NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 12: Vocab test results; two short videos (see below); text, p 296 NO HW

Video 1: Middle Ages in 3 1/2 mins

Video 2: Charlemagne video (STROBE ALERT)

Wednesday, Oct. 11: Vocab test; complete y'day's ten questions from green sheet and turn in. NO HW

Tuesday, October 10: Text, page 294-295; Ten questions (green sheet). Feudalism vocab test tomorrow (9 words from 9/28)

Monday, October 9: Fall break check-in; Q1 review (four questions from board, complete and turn in); clean out history papers; feudalism. Feudalism vocab test WEDNESDAY.

Friday, Sept.29: Video NO HW. Fall break next week.

Thursday, Sept 28: Vocab, page 292: Nine words (chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal). Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between words. Get stamped when complete. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept 27: Turn in at-home assessment w/DoG; Roman City video; write five facts. NO HW

Tuesday, Sept 26: Turn in y'day's at home assessment; text page 37; short video; start 3.3 worksheet. HW: complete at-home assessment if not turned in today.

Monday, Sept 25: 3.2 worksheet-complete and get stamped. HW: at home assessment (two-sided biography). Due tomorrow OR Wednesday with a DoG (day of grace) certificate.

This week's schedule: Monday-Thursday: 1:15 dismissal; Friday: 12:15 dismissal

Friday, Sept . 22: Return last week's test; videos. NO HW

Thursday, Sept 21: Redo/revisit side II of 2.4 worksheet (the homework that was turned in y'day). Complete and turn in. NO HW.

Wednesday, Sept. 20: Turn in HW; text, page 34-35; ticket out (one question, based on today's text) NO homework

Tuesday, Sept 19: Text,pg 31-32. Worksheet, both sides. HW: complete both sides of today's worksheet. NOT Dog-able. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Monday, Sept. 18: Test results; CNN 10 News. Review NO HW

Friday, Sept. 15: Test. Roman City video. NO HW.

Thursday, Sept 14: Roman numerals :video & worksheet .

Today's video link TEST tomorrow--study guide given in class yesterday.

Wednesday, Sept.13: Test on Friday! Study guide given today (1/2 sheet, bright green); complete both parts of Early Christianity worksheet. HW: start getting ready for Friday's test

Tuesday, Sept 12: Text,pgs. 24-27. Worksheet, part I (and maybe part II). Get each part stamped upon completion. NO HW

Monday, Sept. 11: Remembering 9-11-01 (CNN The 10); Ch.1 vocab--7 words from page 10 (catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, barbarian, tetrarchy) NO HW

Friday, Sept. 8: Book check; Text, pg 22-23; complete side II of worksheet and turn in NO HW (unless side II of w/s not completed in class). AERIEs is up to date

Thursday, Sept 7: Go to library to get history text book (your very own. Bring to class every day). Text, page 22-23. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept.6: Text, page 18-20. Worksheet, side one. Complete and get stamped. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 5: Weekend check-in. Text, pg. 18-21. Short video about Roman roads; start worksheet. NO HW

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Thursday, Sept. 19: Turn in Rome reading notes, 1.3. Text, page 18;

video and worksheet (see links)

What We Did in Class, 2024-2025

Friday, Sept. 6: Turn in geography notes; geography test.

Thursday, Sept. 5: Finish goal setting; complete mapping notes. TEST tomorrow on five themes of geography and mapping (see attached)

Wednesday, Sept. 4: Second Step Goal Setting. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Finish and review Friday's map and continent practice; Text, page GT 6 and start Parts of a Map notes on back of last week's geography notes. NO HW.

Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day--no school

Friday, Aug 30: Return last week's Ticket In; map and continent practice w/s. No HW and no school Monday due to Labor Day.

Thursday, Aug 29: Review geography notes; video (the one we didn't watch y'day). Continent review Map video link

Wednesday, Aug. 28: Class website and review of cell phone policy; Start maps/mapping, text page GT 5-6; video Map Video link (Crash Course) HW: check out class website and bookmark it.

Tuesday, Aug. 27: Return textbook scavenger hunt; continue and complete Five Themes of Geography notes. NO HW.

Monday, August 26: Planner, page 24: Integrity. Discuss and short video (see link); Text page GT 1-3. Start notes and video

Integrity video link Five themes of geography video

Friday, August 23 Minimum Day: Finish class procedures and expectations notes.

Thursday, August 22: Complete and review primary source practice sheet; class procedures and expectations--notes. NO HW.

Wed.,August 21: Ticket In (because we didn't get to y'day's Ticket Out):Imagine a historian finds your room in 100 years. First: List three things in your bedroom.Then, answer this prompt: Write 3-5 sentences on what a future historian would deduce (conclude, based on evidence) about your life in 2024. Turn in. Continue working on yesterday's primary source practice sheet. NO HW>

Tuesday, August 20: Book check; text, page 12 Primary source practice handout. NO HW.

Monday, August 19: book check; correct and turn in scavenger hunt. Start text, page 12--primary and secondary sources.

Friday, Aug. 16: Book check; complete and start correcting (in class) text book scavenger hunt.

Thursday, Aug 15: Book check; start textbook scavenger hunt

Wednesday, Aug. 14: Complete syllabus notes; Q & A. BRING textbooks tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 13: Complete and turn in InstaMe activity; Start syllabus and notes. NO HW

Monday, August 12: Get Personal Business Passes and DoGs; InstaMe (getting to know you) activity. NO HW

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Coat of Arms Project (yellow 1/2 sheet and shield handout). Coat of Arms: How to

Due Friday, Oct. 27. NOT dog-able

Tuesday, Oct.24: KNIGHTS! Short video (see link) and pink handout. NO HW.Knight video link 1066 & Knight notes link

Monday, Oct. 23: Text, pg. 300-301 and notes. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 20: Video and text, page 300. Notes. Video link : 1066 video link

Thursday, Oct. 19: Charlemagne Finale: Yellow sheet and word bank/citation activity--complete and turn in. NO HW

Wednesday, Oct. 18: Intro to Feudalism video (DVD) + notes (three facts from video) NO HW Bonus for third period today--earthquake evacuation :)

Tuesday, Oct. 17: Complete and turn in Charlemagne project. Charlemagne review and video. NO HW

Monday, Oct. 16: Complete yellow sheet (See Friday); Charlemagne project: get started, using notes and yellow sheet. NO HW.

Friday, Oct 13: More Charlemagne! Yellow handout activity (underline "Charlemagne was..." characteristics; Circle accomplishments of Charlemagne; discuss as a class) NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 12: Vocab test results; two short videos (see below); text, p 296 NO HW

Video 1: Middle Ages in 3 1/2 mins

Video 2: Charlemagne video (STROBE ALERT)

Wednesday, Oct. 11: Vocab test; complete y'day's ten questions from green sheet and turn in. NO HW

Tuesday, October 10: Text, page 294-295; Ten questions (green sheet). Feudalism vocab test tomorrow (9 words from 9/28)

Monday, October 9: Fall break check-in; Q1 review (four questions from board, complete and turn in); clean out history papers; feudalism. Feudalism vocab test WEDNESDAY.

Friday, Sept.29: Video NO HW. Fall break next week.

Thursday, Sept 28: Vocab, page 292: Nine words (chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal). Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between words. Get stamped when complete. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept 27: Turn in at-home assessment w/DoG; Roman City video; write five facts. NO HW

Tuesday, Sept 26: Turn in y'day's at home assessment; text page 37; short video; start 3.3 worksheet. HW: complete at-home assessment if not turned in today.

Monday, Sept 25: 3.2 worksheet-complete and get stamped. HW: at home assessment (two-sided biography). Due tomorrow OR Wednesday with a DoG (day of grace) certificate.

This week's schedule: Monday-Thursday: 1:15 dismissal; Friday: 12:15 dismissal

Friday, Sept . 22: Return last week's test; videos. NO HW

Thursday, Sept 21: Redo/revisit side II of 2.4 worksheet (the homework that was turned in y'day). Complete and turn in. NO HW.

Wednesday, Sept. 20: Turn in HW; text, page 34-35; ticket out (one question, based on today's text) NO homework

Tuesday, Sept 19: Text,pg 31-32. Worksheet, both sides. HW: complete both sides of today's worksheet. NOT Dog-able. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Monday, Sept. 18: Test results; CNN 10 News. Review NO HW

Friday, Sept. 15: Test. Roman City video. NO HW.

Thursday, Sept 14: Roman numerals :video & worksheet .

Today's video link TEST tomorrow--study guide given in class yesterday.

Wednesday, Sept.13: Test on Friday! Study guide given today (1/2 sheet, bright green); complete both parts of Early Christianity worksheet. HW: start getting ready for Friday's test

Tuesday, Sept 12: Text,pgs. 24-27. Worksheet, part I (and maybe part II). Get each part stamped upon completion. NO HW

Monday, Sept. 11: Remembering 9-11-01 (CNN The 10); Ch.1 vocab--7 words from page 10 (catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, barbarian, tetrarchy) NO HW

Friday, Sept. 8: Book check; Text, pg 22-23; complete side II of worksheet and turn in NO HW (unless side II of w/s not completed in class). AERIEs is up to date

Thursday, Sept 7: Go to library to get history text book (your very own. Bring to class every day). Text, page 22-23. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept.6: Text, page 18-20. Worksheet, side one. Complete and get stamped. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 5: Weekend check-in. Text, pg. 18-21. Short video about Roman roads; start worksheet. NO HW

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14


Monday, October 9: Fall break check-in; Q1 review (four questions from board, complete and turn in); clean out history papers; feudalism. Feudalism vocab test WEDNESDAY.

Friday, Sept.29: Video NO HW. Fall break next week.

Thursday, Sept 28: Vocab, page 292: Nine words (chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal). Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between words. Get stamped when complete. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept 27: Turn in at-home assessment w/DoG; Roman City video; write five facts. NO HW

Tuesday, Sept 26: Turn in y'day's at home assessment; text page 37; short video; start 3.3 worksheet. HW: complete at-home assessment if not turned in today.

Monday, Sept 25: 3.2 worksheet-complete and get stamped. HW: at home assessment (two-sided biography). Due tomorrow OR Wednesday with a DoG (day of grace) certificate.

This week's schedule: Monday-Thursday: 1:15 dismissal; Friday: 12:15 dismissal

Friday, Sept . 22: Return last week's test; videos. NO HW

Thursday, Sept 21: Redo/revisit side II of 2.4 worksheet (the homework that was turned in y'day). Complete and turn in. NO HW.

Wednesday, Sept. 20: Turn in HW; text, page 34-35; ticket out (one question, based on today's text) NO homework

Tuesday, Sept 19: Text,pg 31-32. Worksheet, both sides. HW: complete both sides of today's worksheet. NOT Dog-able. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Monday, Sept. 18: Test results; CNN 10 News. Review NO HW

Friday, Sept. 15: Test. Roman City video. NO HW.

Thursday, Sept 14: Roman numerals :video & worksheet .

Today's video link TEST tomorrow--study guide given in class yesterday.

Wednesday, Sept.13: Test on Friday! Study guide given today (1/2 sheet, bright green); complete both parts of Early Christianity worksheet. HW: start getting ready for Friday's test

Tuesday, Sept 12: Text,pgs. 24-27. Worksheet, part I (and maybe part II). Get each part stamped upon completion. NO HW

Monday, Sept. 11: Remembering 9-11-01 (CNN The 10); Ch.1 vocab--7 words from page 10 (catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, barbarian, tetrarchy) NO HW

Friday, Sept. 8: Book check; Text, pg 22-23; complete side II of worksheet and turn in NO HW (unless side II of w/s not completed in class). AERIEs is up to date

Thursday, Sept 7: Go to library to get history text book (your very own. Bring to class every day). Text, page 22-23. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept.6: Text, page 18-20. Worksheet, side one. Complete and get stamped. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 5: Weekend check-in. Text, pg. 18-21. Short video about Roman roads; start worksheet. NO HW

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Tuesday, Nov. 7: Magna Carta videofest! Text, pg 308 and three (!) videos Video One (whole group) link

Video: Anamaniacs Magna Carta

Horrible Histories Rap Battle

Monday, Nov. 6: Video (see link) and notes; text, pg. 306. Worksheet NO HW Medieval Church video link

Friday, Nov. 3: Catch-up day (7/8 periods: The Manor System); other classes: activity TBD. NO HW

Thursday, Nov. 2: Return to knights. Pink knights handout and a new pink knights handout.Complete side one of new knights worksheet (T/F & identify vocab). Due at end of class.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, Oct 31: Feudal Manor System: short video (link below) and notes. And in honor of Halloween, Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" NO HW; NO school tomorrow, Wed.,Nov. 1 Manor System video link

Monday, Oct 30: Complete video + notes "Secret of the Shining Knight"; text, page 304 NO HW. No school on Wednesday, Nov 1

Friday, Oct. 27: Turn in Coat of Arms project. Due today, NOT dogable. Video + notes: "Secrets of the Shining Knight". NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 26: Finish reading pink-colored knights handout; work on Coat of Arms project--due TOMORROW. Not dog-able.

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Coat of Arms Project (yellow 1/2 sheet and shield handout). Coat of Arms: How to

Due Friday, Oct. 27. NOT dog-able

Tuesday, Oct.24: KNIGHTS! Short video (see link) and pink handout. NO HW.Knight video link 1066 & Knight notes link

Monday, Oct. 23: Text, pg. 300-301 and notes. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 20: Video and text, page 300. Notes. Video link : 1066 video link

Thursday, Oct. 19: Charlemagne Finale: Yellow sheet and word bank/citation activity--complete and turn in. NO HW

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Monday, Nov. 6: Video (see link) and notes; text, pg. 306. Worksheet NO HW Medieval Church video link

Friday, Nov. 3: Catch-up day (7/8 periods: The Manor System); other classes: activity TBD. NO HW

Thursday, Nov. 2: Return to knights. Pink knights handout and a new pink knights handout.Complete side one of new knights worksheet (T/F & identify vocab). Due at end of class.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, Oct 31: Feudal Manor System: short video (link below) and notes. And in honor of Halloween, Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" NO HW; NO school tomorrow, Wed.,Nov. 1 Manor System video link

Monday, Oct 30: Complete video + notes "Secret of the Shining Knight"; text, page 304 NO HW. No school on Wednesday, Nov 1

Friday, Oct. 27: Turn in Coat of Arms project. Due today, NOT dogable. Video + notes: "Secrets of the Shining Knight". NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 26: Finish reading pink-colored knights handout; work on Coat of Arms project--due TOMORROW. Not dog-able.

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Coat of Arms Project (yellow 1/2 sheet and shield handout). Coat of Arms: How to

Due Friday, Oct. 27. NOT dog-able

Tuesday, Oct.24: KNIGHTS! Short video (see link) and pink handout. NO HW.Knight video link 1066 & Knight notes link

Monday, Oct. 23: Text, pg. 300-301 and notes. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 20: Video and text, page 300. Notes. Video link : 1066 video link

Thursday, Oct. 19: Charlemagne Finale: Yellow sheet and word bank/citation activity--complete and turn in. NO HW

Wednesday, Oct. 18: Intro to Feudalism video (DVD) + notes (three facts from video) NO HW Bonus for third period today--earthquake evacuation :)

Tuesday, Oct. 17: Complete and turn in Charlemagne project. Charlemagne review and video. NO HW

Monday, Oct. 16: Complete yellow sheet (See Friday); Charlemagne project: get started, using notes and yellow sheet. NO HW.

Friday, Oct 13: More Charlemagne! Yellow handout activity (underline "Charlemagne was..." characteristics; Circle accomplishments of Charlemagne; discuss as a class) NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 12: Vocab test results; two short videos (see below); text, p 296 NO HW

Video 1: Middle Ages in 3 1/2 mins

Video 2: Charlemagne video (STROBE ALERT)

Wednesday, Oct. 11: Vocab test; complete y'day's ten questions from green sheet and turn in. NO HW

Tuesday, October 10: Text, page 294-295; Ten questions (green sheet). Feudalism vocab test tomorrow (9 words from 9/28)

Monday, October 9: Fall break check-in; Q1 review (four questions from board, complete and turn in); clean out history papers; feudalism. Feudalism vocab test WEDNESDAY.

Friday, Sept.29: Video NO HW. Fall break next week.

Thursday, Sept 28: Vocab, page 292: Nine words (chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal). Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between words. Get stamped when complete. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept 27: Turn in at-home assessment w/DoG; Roman City video; write five facts. NO HW

Tuesday, Sept 26: Turn in y'day's at home assessment; text page 37; short video; start 3.3 worksheet. HW: complete at-home assessment if not turned in today.

Monday, Sept 25: 3.2 worksheet-complete and get stamped. HW: at home assessment (two-sided biography). Due tomorrow OR Wednesday with a DoG (day of grace) certificate.

This week's schedule: Monday-Thursday: 1:15 dismissal; Friday: 12:15 dismissal

Friday, Sept . 22: Return last week's test; videos. NO HW

Thursday, Sept 21: Redo/revisit side II of 2.4 worksheet (the homework that was turned in y'day). Complete and turn in. NO HW.

Wednesday, Sept. 20: Turn in HW; text, page 34-35; ticket out (one question, based on today's text) NO homework

Tuesday, Sept 19: Text,pg 31-32. Worksheet, both sides. HW: complete both sides of today's worksheet. NOT Dog-able. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Monday, Sept. 18: Test results; CNN 10 News. Review NO HW

Friday, Sept. 15: Test. Roman City video. NO HW.

Thursday, Sept 14: Roman numerals :video & worksheet .

Today's video link TEST tomorrow--study guide given in class yesterday.

Wednesday, Sept.13: Test on Friday! Study guide given today (1/2 sheet, bright green); complete both parts of Early Christianity worksheet. HW: start getting ready for Friday's test

Tuesday, Sept 12: Text,pgs. 24-27. Worksheet, part I (and maybe part II). Get each part stamped upon completion. NO HW

Monday, Sept. 11: Remembering 9-11-01 (CNN The 10); Ch.1 vocab--7 words from page 10 (catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, barbarian, tetrarchy) NO HW

Friday, Sept. 8: Book check; Text, pg 22-23; complete side II of worksheet and turn in NO HW (unless side II of w/s not completed in class). AERIEs is up to date

Thursday, Sept 7: Go to library to get history text book (your very own. Bring to class every day). Text, page 22-23. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept.6: Text, page 18-20. Worksheet, side one. Complete and get stamped. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 5: Weekend check-in. Text, pg. 18-21. Short video about Roman roads; start worksheet. NO HW

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Monday, Nov. 6: Video (see link) and notes; text, pg. 306. Worksheet NO HW Medieval Church video link

Friday, Nov. 3: Catch-up day (7/8 periods: The Manor System); other classes: activity TBD. NO HW

Thursday, Nov. 2: Return to knights. Pink knights handout and a new pink knights handout.Complete side one of new knights worksheet (T/F & identify vocab). Due at end of class.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, Oct 31: Feudal Manor System: short video (link below) and notes. And in honor of Halloween, Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" NO HW; NO school tomorrow, Wed.,Nov. 1 Manor System video link

Monday, Oct 30: Complete video + notes "Secret of the Shining Knight"; text, page 304 NO HW. No school on Wednesday, Nov 1

Friday, Oct. 27: Turn in Coat of Arms project. Due today, NOT dogable. Video + notes: "Secrets of the Shining Knight". NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 26: Finish reading pink-colored knights handout; work on Coat of Arms project--due TOMORROW. Not dog-able.

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Coat of Arms Project (yellow 1/2 sheet and shield handout). Coat of Arms: How to

Due Friday, Oct. 27. NOT dog-able

Tuesday, Oct.24: KNIGHTS! Short video (see link) and pink handout. NO HW.Knight video link 1066 & Knight notes link

Monday, Oct. 23: Text, pg. 300-301 and notes. NO HW.

Friday, Oct. 20: Video and text, page 300. Notes. Video link : 1066 video link

Thursday, Oct. 19: Charlemagne Finale: Yellow sheet and word bank/citation activity--complete and turn in. NO HW

Wednesday, Oct. 18: Intro to Feudalism video (DVD) + notes (three facts from video) NO HW Bonus for third period today--earthquake evacuation :)

Tuesday, Oct. 17: Complete and turn in Charlemagne project. Charlemagne review and video. NO HW

Monday, Oct. 16: Complete yellow sheet (See Friday); Charlemagne project: get started, using notes and yellow sheet. NO HW.

Friday, Oct 13: More Charlemagne! Yellow handout activity (underline "Charlemagne was..." characteristics; Circle accomplishments of Charlemagne; discuss as a class) NO HW

Thursday, Oct. 12: Vocab test results; two short videos (see below); text, p 296 NO HW

Video 1: Middle Ages in 3 1/2 mins

Video 2: Charlemagne video (STROBE ALERT)

Wednesday, Oct. 11: Vocab test; complete y'day's ten questions from green sheet and turn in. NO HW

Tuesday, October 10: Text, page 294-295; Ten questions (green sheet). Feudalism vocab test tomorrow (9 words from 9/28)

Monday, October 9: Fall break check-in; Q1 review (four questions from board, complete and turn in); clean out history papers; feudalism. Feudalism vocab test WEDNESDAY.

Friday, Sept.29: Video NO HW. Fall break next week.

Thursday, Sept 28: Vocab, page 292: Nine words (chivalry, convert, feudalism, knight, lord, manor, medieval, serf, vassal). Word, definition, page found. Skip a line between words. Get stamped when complete. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept 27: Turn in at-home assessment w/DoG; Roman City video; write five facts. NO HW

Tuesday, Sept 26: Turn in y'day's at home assessment; text page 37; short video; start 3.3 worksheet. HW: complete at-home assessment if not turned in today.

Monday, Sept 25: 3.2 worksheet-complete and get stamped. HW: at home assessment (two-sided biography). Due tomorrow OR Wednesday with a DoG (day of grace) certificate.

This week's schedule: Monday-Thursday: 1:15 dismissal; Friday: 12:15 dismissal

Friday, Sept . 22: Return last week's test; videos. NO HW

Thursday, Sept 21: Redo/revisit side II of 2.4 worksheet (the homework that was turned in y'day). Complete and turn in. NO HW.

Wednesday, Sept. 20: Turn in HW; text, page 34-35; ticket out (one question, based on today's text) NO homework

Tuesday, Sept 19: Text,pg 31-32. Worksheet, both sides. HW: complete both sides of today's worksheet. NOT Dog-able. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Monday, Sept. 18: Test results; CNN 10 News. Review NO HW

Friday, Sept. 15: Test. Roman City video. NO HW.

Thursday, Sept 14: Roman numerals :video & worksheet .

Today's video link TEST tomorrow--study guide given in class yesterday.

Wednesday, Sept.13: Test on Friday! Study guide given today (1/2 sheet, bright green); complete both parts of Early Christianity worksheet. HW: start getting ready for Friday's test

Tuesday, Sept 12: Text,pgs. 24-27. Worksheet, part I (and maybe part II). Get each part stamped upon completion. NO HW

Monday, Sept. 11: Remembering 9-11-01 (CNN The 10); Ch.1 vocab--7 words from page 10 (catacomb, epistle, missionary, parable, pope, barbarian, tetrarchy) NO HW

Friday, Sept. 8: Book check; Text, pg 22-23; complete side II of worksheet and turn in NO HW (unless side II of w/s not completed in class). AERIEs is up to date

Thursday, Sept 7: Go to library to get history text book (your very own. Bring to class every day). Text, page 22-23. NO HW

Wednesday, Sept.6: Text, page 18-20. Worksheet, side one. Complete and get stamped. NO HW.

Tuesday, Sept. 5: Weekend check-in. Text, pg. 18-21. Short video about Roman roads; start worksheet. NO HW

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Friday, Sept. 1: Turn in 1.2/1.3 worksheet; Augustus video and 1/2 sheet w/two questions; text, page 18. NO HW. No school Monday--it's Labor Day.

Augustus video link

Thursday, Aug 31: Class website handout (it's pink w/a QR code); 1.2/1.3 worksheet (if not done, complete at home); Augustus video

Wednesday, Aug.30: Lockdown video;Complete 1.2/1.3 w/s; get stamped; Create three test questions on reverse of w/s. NO HW

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Thurs.,Aug 24: Complete, grade and turn in primary/secondary sources w/s. NO HW

Wednesday, Aug 23: Primary/secondary sources practice: worksheet. NO HW

Tuesday, Aug 22: Continue text and notes; primary and secondary sources. NO HW

Monday, Aug 21: Why study history video; text page 12-13 +notes. NO HW

Friday, Aug 18: Growth mindset: videos and questions. Complete and turn in. NO HW

Thurs.,August 17: Binder organization, nuts and bolts of seventh grade. NO homework

Wed.,August 16: Textbook scavenger hunt--grade it & turn it in.

Tues.,August 15: Complete scavenger hunt, get stamped NO HW

Mon.,August 14:Weekend check-in. Planners. Start textbook scavenger hunt. NO homework

Friday, Aug.11: Continue yesterday's activity, turn in.

Thursday, August 10: Class expectations; start cellphone activity

Wednesday, Aug.9: Fill out 'history of you' worksheet. No homework

Tuesday, Aug. 8: Getting to know you and class expectations.

Monday, August 7: Seats and getting to know you.

Daily Agenda/What we did in class 2023-24

Tuesday,Aug.29: Complete 1.2/1.3 worksheet; get stamped. NO homework

Monday, Aug.28: Weekend check-in; show class website; text page 16-17; start 1.2 worksheet NO homework

Friday, Aug. 25: Fall of Rome music video (YouTube: Mr.Nicky's Ancient Rome); text book page 14

Thurs.,Aug 24: Complete, grade and turn in primary/secondary sources w/s. NO HW

Wednesday, Aug 23: Primary/secondary sources practice: worksheet. NO HW

Tuesday, Aug 22: Continue text and notes; primary and secondary sources. NO HW

Monday, Aug 21: Why study history video; text page 12-13 +notes. NO HW

Friday, Aug 18: Growth mindset: videos and questions. Complete and turn in. NO HW

Thurs.,August 17: Binder organization, nuts and bolts of seventh grade. NO homework

Wed.,August 16: Textbook scavenger hunt--grade it & turn it in.

Tues.,August 15: Complete scavenger hunt, get stamped NO HW

Mon.,August 14:Weekend check-in. Planners. Start textbook scavenger hunt. NO homework

Friday, Aug.11: Continue yesterday's activity, turn in.

Thursday, August 10: Class expectations; start cellphone activity

Wednesday, Aug.9: Fill out 'history of you' worksheet. No homework

Tuesday, Aug. 8: Getting to know you and class expectations.

Monday, August 7: Seats and getting to know you.