no interruptions

In order for your child to get the most from the instructional time allotted to the classroom each day, we must begin (Monday 9/23/2024) to enforce the following parent/student handbook policy

Our classrooms are not to be interrupted during instructional time. California education code 32212 “finds and declares that interruption of class time seriously impairs the educational process”, and that it is the responsibility of the schools to “formally address the problem of classroom interruptions“.

• Children arriving late, interrupt the start of class, causing lost instructional time, and is a disruption to not only your student, but for the enter class. Please have your child at school on time every day.

• Be sure your child has everything necessary for the day before leaving home such as backpacks, water bottles, homework, lunches, band instruments, permission slips, snacks, jackets, etc. Students WILL NOT be allowed to call home for these items.

o Please note that fast food lunches do not meet district nutritional guidelines and should not be brought

o We understand that having a personal water bottle is great way to stay hydrated, but students will never go thirsty as we have drinking fountains throughout the campus. In addition, if a student doesn’t have a lunch, they may get a free lunch from the cafeteria. We never knowingly allow a child to go without lunch.

• To protect valuable teaching time, NO CALLS will be made into the classrooms regarding dropped-off items

o The office will send an e-mail to your child’s teacher when an item has been dropped off. Items dropped off after lunch may not reach your student until the following morning.

o Students may check in with the office during recess and lunch breaks to see if their missing items like backpacks, homework, lunches, and instruments have been dropped off for them. If your child does not check in with the office, they may not receive their items.

• If you need to speak to your student’s teacher, you may e-mail the teacher, leave a message, or contact the teacher through the AUSD app (see information below). Calls will not be put through to the classroom during instructional time.

Lastly, We wanted to reminder all families that school begins at 8:00am, but the gates open at 7:30 for the students that would like to eat breakfast.

Thank you for your assistance in limiting disruptions so that all our students receive the best education

If you have any questions please email Mr. Flosi or Ms. Woolf

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