Principal's Corner


Bridget Spires


925-779-7485 ext. 43480

Email Bridget Spires

About our Vice Principals

Ms. Keough

Ian Keough

Vice Principal

925-779-7485 ext. 40340

Email Ian Keough


  • Alphabet M-Z

coming soon

Sondra Williams

Vice Principal

925-779-7485 ext. 44323

Email Sondra Williams

  • Alphabet A-L

Principal's Post

Welcome to Dallas Ranch Middle School, home of the Aviators! Dallas Ranch is a neighborhood school offering a strong academic program, a firm and positive discipline policy, a desire to have community involvement, and a feeling that education is a home/school partnership. We hope that your three years with us will be educationally profitable for you. Our curriculum and instructional strategies are Common Core State Standard aligned and follow the California State Frameworks to insure each student a relevant, meaningful educational program. We look forward to a new school year full of opportunities to learn and grow. At Dallas Ranch Middle School, we don’t just fly, we SOAR!                             

Middle School is an important time in the lives of students. It is a time of change. It is a time where students learn independence and the responsibility necessary to be positive, productive members of our community. The workload and social adjustments are greater here than at the elementary level. Every day at Dallas Ranch is a busy day full of opportunities to learn and grow.

We have very high expectations of our student aviators. Students are expected to come to school every day on time Ready to learn, Respectful, and Responsible (we R3). Students are expected to be prepared for school with supplies, completed homework, and a positive attitude. Our school has caring teachers, Vice Principals, a Principal, and helpful support staff, full-time school safety assistants, office staff, a librarian, custodial staff and food service workers who are all here to help you. The staff is here to help students be successful in middle school and prepare for success in the future. Students need to be ready and willing to fully participate in middle school to benefit from our outstanding program.

I encourage all parents to take an active role in our school and to participate in the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) and School Site Council (SSC), as well as school-wide activities. Your ideas, talent, and time are greatly appreciated and will help strengthen Dallas Ranch’s ability to educate your children.

 Good luck this year at Dallas Ranch Middle School. We hope it will be your most successful year ever. Remember, at Dallas Ranch, we don't just fly....... we SOAR!