Phillip Lemberger

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Phillip Lemberger

Email Phillip Lemberger

Phone: 925-779-7425

Well, the end of the year is now here, and it is time for summer!  I know this year had a lot of twists and turns and it was much more difficult for everyone.  I wanted to thank all of whom kept up with your work and continued learning throughout the year.  I hope I was able to assist in your continued fitness education and hope you continue staying active throughout the summer.  I will leave all of my posts up in case anyone wants to come back and refer to it.  Please stay safe everyone and enjoy your summer!!

Hello and welcome to Mr. Lemberger's Physical Education class.  I hope everyone is doing well during this difficult time.  I encourage everyone to try their best to stay fit and healthy.

I recommend all students to start a fitness log or journal to keep track of their daily physical activities.  It is very rewarding and a lot of fun to see how much you have progressed throughout the year.  I will be posting videos as well as links to various activities I would like you to try, but don't worry about doing them all choose the ones you like and create your own fitness program. 

An hour of physical activity is recommended every day.  I understand that everyone's level of fitness is different, so always go at the appropriate level for yourself.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns or if you just want to say Hi.