Phone: 925-779-7495 ext. 38016
Philosophy of Education
I believe that children must be active participants in the learning process. It is my job to provide information, tools, and opportunity for learning, but it is up to the students to take what I give them and learn. I want students to be avid question askers, because without questions I will not be able to guide the students to find their answers. I will provide my class with the tools for learning, but I will need their questions, curiosity, and cooperation to enhance and enrich their learning experience.
Children learn in a variety of styles. In my classroom I hope to provide the opportunity for each child to experience learning in a manner that best suits their learning style. I will do this by providing as many different approaches to learning as I can. We will learn by doing, looking, talking, writing and listening. By using a combination of learning styles all students should be able to enjoy the lesson and process the information well.
Children learn at different rates. Some children learn very quickly, and need little practice for learning new concepts. Other children require lots of time, and practice to reach mastery. I will provide enrichment opportunities so quick learners will have a challenge to move their learning forward. These students are expected to complete regular assignments and then choose an enrichment activity. At no time should they be idle, or disturbing others. Students requiring extra help will be given time in small groups to help them master skills.
The classroom environment is essential to learning. Children must feel welcomed and comfortable in their surroundings before they are able to focus on learning. I will provide students with a stable, nurturing environment, enabling them to learn to their fullest potential. It is up to the students to take advantage of the environment and take responsibility for their actions and their learning. By building a sense of community within the classroom, students will take responsibility for behaving in a manner that is both expected and required. A desire to maintain this community should discourage poor behavior within the classroom.
Reading/Language Arts
Antioch Unified School District has adopted the McGraw-Hill reading and Language Arts series, Wonders. This program follows the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS), and provides the students with many tools to enhance their learning. The tools available in this program are geared to students of different learning levels and include a wide variety of learning styles in the lessons.
Accelerated Reader (AR) - AR is a self-motivated program, in which the student is able to choose a literature selection, based on their current reading level, and take a test on that particular book. Based on the results of their test score, the student can move to the next reading level. Certificates of Achievement are awarded to students based on their reading accomplishments, and they will be acknowledged at our awards ceremonies. In second and third trimester students are required to earn at least 10 points in order to receive a certificate.
Regular spelling lessons will begin the second week of school, with theme 1. At that time, spelling will become a regular component in our class work, and will be sent home in the nightly homework folder. Spelling tests will usually be given on Fridays.
Antioch Unified School District has adopted McGraw Hill, My Math, math program. This program includes: teacher directed lessons and hands-on experiences. Each activity is reinforced with written practice. All homework pages include a “reminder” section at the beginning for students who may need more support with the concepts. This also is helpful to parents who are trying to understand what is expected in the lessons because it “isn’t how we learned it.” In addition, there is an on-line math tutor component for additional help at home. Homework pages are also available on-line in Spanish. An information packet for on-line access will be sent home soon.
Each grade level covers 3 basic areas of science. Antioch Unified School District has adopted the Pearson-Scott-Foresman Science program. In third grade the science units are: “Matter and Space”, “Energy”, and “Environments.” Each unit will include hands-on learning activities, reading text, doing research, participating in active discussions, writing and artwork. It is my goal to make your child’s science experience a memorable one.
Social Studies
Third grade social studies is devoted to teaching children to recognize various aspects of their world/community. Antioch Unified School District has adopted the Pearson-Scott-Foresman Social Studies series. We will be reading texts, participating in active discussions, doing art projects, and (possibly) taking field trips to enhance our social studies experience.
The library is an exciting place for young readers, and can provide students with a wide variety of books to read. Each week our class will be visiting the library for half an hour at a time. Library books are due at 8:00 AM the day of our Library visit. Books must be returned before a student can check out a new book; therefore it is critical that library books be returned promptly. Students who frequently forget their books will not be allowed to take them home. Lost or damaged books must be paid for by the student, so please treat all books kindly. Students not treating books appropriately will not be allowed to take library books home, and may even lose their library privileges.
PE, Computers and Music
Each week students participate in PE, and Music. Tennis shoes must be worn for PE. PE is taught by Mrs. Burns and Mr. Barnes teaches Music. Grades for those subjects are given by the respective teachers. We have a new computer lab at Belshaw and we will be using the lab at least once per week. CCCSS requires students to use technology in many ways. We will be spending a lot of time learning keyboarding skills, as well as learning how to look up information for research projects. In addition we will use our lab for STAR reading tests, AR tests and the SBAC (state standards) test. Any time spent in the computer lab will be supervised by me.
My homework policy is to finish anything not completed in class. Regular assignments are: reading for 15 minutes; complete the math homework (both sides) page (unless we have taken a test); and spelling assignments. No student should spend more than 40 minutes on homework. Occasionally a writing assignment will be sent home to be finished.
Students have been given a blue homework folder for work they need to complete. It is essential they learn to keep all homework in this folder, and that they take it home nightly, and bring it back daily. Parents, if you take work out of the folder, please put it back. Students must come to school prepared to review and correct the practice pages. Lost or missing folders must be replaced by the student, and they must be the same as/similar to those issued.
I never assign homework on Friday, so folders will stay at school over the weekend.
PBIS – This year our school is implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior intervention and support) system. PBIS is a school wide policy that reinforces positive behavior with the support of our counselor and youth advisor.
In order for our classroom to be productive the students are expected to be good listeners and follow classroom/school rules. These rules will be covered on a regular basis, so all students should be aware of what appropriate behavior is. I believe that behavior is a choice and all students must chose how they want to behave. I prefer to reward appropriate behavior, rather than punish inappropriate behaviors (if possible). When children behave as expected they will receive praise/rewards. However if children do not behave there must be consequences.
I have a clip chart for the students. There are seven colors on the chart: purple – outstanding; light blue-excellent choices; blue- great effort green – good day; yellow – warning; orange – loose one recess; red – parent contact. Every student starts on green (good day), and their card is flipped according to their choices. Students reaching purple will have an email message sent home, or a phone call, regarding their behavior(s) and choices. Students with a red card will be sent to the reflection room, and a referral note will be sent to Mr. Lewis. Students moving to red will also have their name put into the “Red Folder” where I keep track of inappropriate behaviors. Multiple entries in this folder will require a parent/student/teacher conference.
Extreme behaviors or violent behaviors will be dealt with immediately by the principal. No warnings or “second chances” will be given for behaviors that may cause harm to oneself or others.
Positive behaviors will be rewarded, and students can earn treats by earning tickets, class points and table points. Students may also earn bear coins. These bear coins may be used for “prize day”, to “purchase” classroom prizes.
In addition to this classroom management program our district has adopted a conflict management program called Character Counts. The students will be taught 6 pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship). We will learn how to talk about problems, and work them out non-violently. This program is being taught at all Antioch schools, and is being endorsed by the city as well. It is our hope that these valuable skills will be used at school, at home, and in our community, making Antioch a wonderful, caring place to live.
Belshaw School Policies
Dress Code
Belshaw has adopted a uniform policy. All students must wear the approved style/colors of clothes. Information regarding uniforms was distributed at registration. We will have “free dress days” on occasion. On these days students must wear “school appropriate clothing (no baggy pants, no spaghetti straps, or mid-drift tops. Flip-flop type sandals are never allowed, sandals must have a heal strap. On PE days tennis shoes must be worn.
Daily attendance in school is essential for optimum learning, and affects state funding of our school. Students should not miss school unless absolutely necessary. However, if your child is ill, and has a fever, please keep them home. Make up work can be provided. If your child is absent please call the attendance line at 7797495, or send a note explaining why the student was absent. If an absence is not cleared by Friday (of the week the child is absent) it will be marked as an unexcused absence.
Tardy Policy
At Belshaw we strive to begin instruction as soon as the students enter the classroom. The first bell rings at 7:55 and students are to line up. Our school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM, and does not end until 2:20 PM (1:00 on Wednesdays). Please make sure your child arrives on time, and ready to learn. Students arriving even a few minutes late may miss important information and/or instruction time, and it is very disruptive to the rest of the class when students arrive late. Students that arrive at school, on time, every day will be eligible for a Perfect Attendance award/certificate.
Belshaw promotes a healthy snack philosophy. We want to encourage students to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. If your child needs a daily snack please provide only fresh fruits or vegetables, crackers or simple, healthy, one-handed, snacks. Any type of chips, candies, or cookies may not be eaten in the classroom. I also ask that you not send fruit cups, as the juice often ends up on the desks, and can be quite messy.
Students may bring a water bottle (never cold or frozen) to keep at their desk for drinks during the day. Juices, Sport Drinks or flavored waters are not allowed.
Special Occasions/Parties
Our class will have several parties this year. Birthdays will be recognized in class with a song, and a small goodie from me. We do not do “parties” in class for birthdays, so please do not send treats. Also, please do not send “goodie/gift bags” to be distributed in class. This is in accordance with our school policy, and is in the school handbook.
Supporting Your Child’s Education
As parents you are the first, and primary, teachers of your children. You know their interests, and dislikes. You know best how to praise them and discipline them. As a teacher I will be spending about 6 hours per day with your child. I will be guiding them through many different learning experiences, but it will take me some time to find out what you already know. Many parents ask for ways to assist their children with homework, so they may complement what is happening in the classroom. Homework should not be a long drawn out affair. All work should be completed in 40 minutes or less. Below are a few tips to help make homework time as painless as possible.
Set aside a scheduled time for homework each day.
Schedule each assignment. Each item should take no more than 20 minutes, so once your child has spent 20 minutes on an assignment allow them to move to the next one. Please sign their work if it is unfinished so I know they tried their best.
Provide a table in a quiet, well lit area, free from distractions (TV, radios, etc.). Students should not try to complete homework on their lap, as it hampers the correct position for writing and forming letters correctly.
Show you are interested in what your child is doing. Talk about the lessons, ask what they liked, and let them know how you learned it when you were young.
Praise your child frequently, especially if they are experiencing difficulties. Try not to criticize incorrect answers, but help them to understand how to reach the correct answer.
PLEASE, check over the completed work, even if your child “knows” how to do it. If mistakes are made, ask your child to show you how/why they reached their answer BEFORE you tell them it was incorrect. Often by talking through the problems they will be able to self correct, and really begin to understand the concept/learning process.
If your child has worked for 40 minutes to complete the assignments give them a break before discussing what they did, and making corrections. If they are frustrated let it be, and we will deal with it in class, but PLEASE send me a note, or call, so we can discuss the problems. If your child consistently struggles with completing homework please schedule a conference with me so we can make adjustments.
Whenever possible include your child in daily math. You do it every day, and may not even realize it. Telling time, measuring, counting change, adding and subtracting are all math skills used in the home.
Read to your child, it is a wonderful way to wind down from a hectic day, just 5 or 10 minutes can really make a difference. Let your child read to you and with you, and let them catch you reading! A good reading role model helps to build a great reader.